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broadcast power question for fpw - eddieo396 - 09-01-2006

hi just finished reading legacies and i was fascinated by the idea of broadcast power. i was not surprised to read on a previous thread that the idea was patented by tesla. i understand why the power companies in the usa did not go that way (there was no money to be made i guess) but why havent any progressive countries tried it. ie. like sweden, russia.china, third world countries etc i wonder what fpw thinks . please reply and thanks again for opening my mind to a "new" idea.

note in no way do i want to say that china russia are good countries to live in either now or before i abhor communism. what i meant is the idea that there is no profit motive so why havnt countires that are not capitalist explored this type of energy.

broadcast power question for fpw - webby - 09-01-2006

eddieo396 Wrote:hi just finished reading legacies and i was fascinated by the idea of broadcast power. i was not surprised to read on a previous thread that the idea was patented by tesla. i understand why the power companies in the usa did not go that way (there was no money to be made i guess) but why havent any progressive countries tried it. ie. like sweden, russia.china, third world countries etc i wonder what fpw thinks . please reply and thanks again for opening my mind to a "new" idea.

So you're saying that the U.S. is not a progressive country? Hey, who's side are you on anyway? :p

Just teasing - welcome to the board, eddieo!

broadcast power question for fpw - eddieo396 - 09-01-2006

hi the good old usa is :progressive by some standrds now but during tesla's time i believe less so.

broadcast power question for fpw - cobalt - 09-01-2006

Welcome eddieo396, keep on reading the series.......there are more surprises in store for you.

broadcast power question for fpw - acfrogg - 09-02-2006

Welcome! I like the idea as well. Sadly, I think the same thing would happen as happened in the book. The money would qwash the invention:mad:

broadcast power question for fpw - fpw - 09-02-2006

[SIZE="3"]The reason no one has broadcast power is because no one has been able to make it work.[/SIZE]

broadcast power question for fpw - eddieo396 - 09-02-2006

THANKS FPW do you know if there is any active research being done in the usa now.

broadcast power question for fpw - eddieo396 - 09-02-2006

hi just googled broadcast power and found some an interesting link

broadcast power question for fpw - webby - 09-02-2006

eddieo396 Wrote:hi just googled broadcast power and found some an interesting link

Very interesting. I think we probably have enough stuff floating around in the air what with cell phones, wireless internet, satellite transmissions and so on. Who knows what all that stuff is doing to us. Or to the environment.

Hey - what if all of that stuff is the real reason for global warming (assuming that there is such a thing as "global warming" that is not a natural occurrence)? Huh. It's easy to blame vehicle and factory emissions and get up on a soapbox. What if people had to give up their cell phones or their wifi to stop global warming? I'd guess that a lot more people would start saying "so, what's a degree or two anyway? No biggie."

Maybe opening a can of worms, but what the heck. Smile

broadcast power question for fpw - Pleiades - 09-02-2006

Suppose you want to light a 60 Watt light bulb with broadcast power. The lampshade is built to be the reveiver antenna, and is 10 cm (about 4") in diameter. A 10 cm (0.1m) circle has an area of pi*0.1^2 = 0.01 sq. m. (m^2)(actually 0.0079, but I'm going to round off). That means you need 60W/0.01 m^2 = 6000 W/m^2 power density to light the bulb.

If you are 1 km (about 1/2 mile) from the transmitter, the tramsmitter needs to generate P = 6000 W/m^2 / (4*pi*(1000m)^2) = 7.54 x 10^10 Watts = 75,400 MW (meagwatts). This assumes the power is broadcast spherically throughout the atmosphere, and there are no losses. The Shoreham nuclear plant was supposed to generate only 400 MW. If you are 10 km away (about 6 miles) then either the power transmitted has to increase by a factor of 100, or your antenna has to be 100x larger.

A human body has a surface are of around 1 m^2 (or so). A typical microwave oven uses 600 W. I don't know about you, but I would not like to have 10x the microwave intensity of my oven going through my body constantly! Although, I believe I would smell delicious!

As far as makng money off broadcast power goes, I'm sure some kind of license arrangements could be made. Like for software or music downloads maybe. So that's not a real hold back.

Conspiracies Spoiler......

As we know, the real purpose of Tessla's tower was to open a hole to the Otherness, as the small model did. The full sized tower (see my avatar) was supposed to open a large enough hole to free Rasalom from the Keep in 1904. Luckily things went wrong. Probably Glaken played a role in that.