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Top 10 TV series in 2005 - Kenji - 12-30-2005

I selected Top 10 TV series in 2005

1, Lost;season 1 (TV)

2, 24;season 4 (DVD)

3, Arias;season 2(DVD)

4, Enterprise;season 2(DVD)

5, Babylon5;season 3(DVD)

6, The Simpsons season 14(TV)

7, CSI;Las Vegas;season 2(TV)

8, Point Pleasant;season 1(TV)

9, CSI;Miami(DVD)

10, Star Gate:SG-1;season 3(DVD)

What's yours? ......I assure everybody's choice is "Lost". Big Grin

Top 10 TV series in 2005 - peachynat - 12-30-2005

I don't watch a whole lot of tv, but I have to say that one of my favorite shows is "That 70's Show"... it makes me laugh every time.... although the new season isn't as good to me without Topher Grace (Eric) and Ashton Kucher (Kelso).

Top 10 TV series in 2005 - Kenji - 12-30-2005

peachynat Wrote:I don't watch a whole lot of tv, but I have to say that one of my favorite shows is "That 70's Show"... it makes me laugh every time.... although the new season isn't as good to me without Topher Grace (Eric) and Ashton Kucher (Kelso).

"That 70's Show"? Is it good? I knew it's broadcasting in one of cable channels now, but I didn't know that's so funny. I'll check it someday. "Mad TV" makes me laugh every time, but sometimes that's......silly! So I didn't select in my Top 10.

Top 10 TV series in 2005 - fpw - 12-30-2005

Since I tend to watch movies, I don't have 10 series to list. Lost is definitely #1. I enjoyed Rome, and like an occasional CSI and Law & Order when I catch them.

Top 10 TV series in 2005 - stacyzinda123 - 12-30-2005

I watch more TV than I should, but can't think of many shows I really like. My number one for sure is "Nip/Tuck". I LOVE that show and am sad it's over for the season Sad . Monday night football is probably the only other thing we watch every week. I often don't watch, but it's on while I read or take care of stuff around the house. I also like American Dad. It's totally offensive to just about everybody, but it's funny. I'm looking forward to the return of Scrubs next week. That show is hilarious!

Top 10 TV series in 2005 - The Mad American - 12-30-2005

I think Battlestar Galactica on SciFi was probably my #1 favorite TV series last year. It was really the only TV show I made a point to either TiVo or watch every week.

Other then that I have to hard a time keeping up on serialized TV. Not that I don't enjoy some other series. Lost is very good, I enjoyed all 4 episodes of Nightstalker. Rome and Deadwood also would grab my attention if I happened on them.

Top 10 TV series in 2005 - Maggers - 12-30-2005

I don't necessarily watch every episode of every one of these. These are in no particular order, except for "Extras." LOVED it and watched each episode 3 times at least.

1. Extras

2. Six Feet Under

3. Surface (yes, I like this show and I've missed it; it's been off for the holidays since before Thanksgiving)

4. Two and a Half Men (very enjoyable sitcom; it's fun watching Charlie Sheen poke fun at himself. His character is based very much on his own persona.)

5. Commander in Chief

6. American Idol (missed the first couple of seasons but have come to enjoy this, especially the first episodes with the truly rotten try outs.)

7. Cold Case

8. Without a Trace (love love love Anthony LaPaglia and have for years)

9. Design on a Dime (on HGTV)

10. Just about any show on HGTV (House & Garden TV- cable channel

And reruns of
"That 70's Show" (I'm a late comer to this series, but like Peachynat, I ususally laugh out loud at least once or twice an episode.)
the original "Law & Order"

Top 10 TV series in 2005 - peachynat - 12-30-2005

Kenji Wrote:"That 70's Show"? Is it good? I knew it's broadcasting in one of cable channels now, but I didn't know that's so funny. I'll check it someday. "Mad TV" makes me laugh every time, but sometimes that's......silly! So I didn't select in my Top 10.

Yes, it's really good!! Definitely check it out and let us know whatcha think!!

Top 10 TV series in 2005 - Blake - 12-30-2005

Nobody has mentioned Family Guy??? Sheesh.


Top 10 TV series in 2005 - Scott Miller - 12-30-2005

I don't watch enough TV to even generate a list of 10 and the shows I mention are generally watched on DVD, such is my hatred of commercials, but here goes...

1. Arrested Development-what can I say, the critics got one right. This show deserves a better fate. Come on ABC, pick it up.

2. Season 5 of the Sopranos-a return to the form from the first two seasons.

3. Jimmy Neutron-perhaps the best sci-fi show on TV.

4. Battlestar Galatica-I'm basing this on the pilot mini-series alone because it is all I've seen-I can't find a place that carries the series for rent.

5. Scrubs-I agree with Stacy, it is the only show I make an effort to watch on a weekly basis.

6. Extreme Home Makeover, Queer Eye-my wife occasionly drags me into her addiction of home improvement shows and these are by far my two favorites, although Design on a Dime is sneaking in there lately as well(I'm contemplating tackling a display case I saw them make).

7. Playoff Hockey-It hasn't aired yet, but when it does, I'll be watching.

8. Sports in general-more of a background thing for me these days than ever before, but I usually know what is happening in the world of sports.