How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - Printable Version

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How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - Kenji - 04-19-2005

I wanna ask one thing to everybody.

My friends don't read novels. Nevertheless everybody like movies. For example, everybody like movie "The Lord of the Rings", but nobody read the books. I recommended books to friends, "Hey, books are great, you should read them!" But almost guys say,"Books? No! That's too long! No, no, no, I don't read them."

So I asked them. "Hey, what are you reading now?"
And almost friends say, "No, I don't read books. It's bothersome."

BOTHERSOME?!..............I couldn't say anything. Sad

One day, I recommend RJ novels to my friend.
"Hey, do you know "Repairman Jack"?"
My friend say,"No....I don't know. What is it?"
"You don't know? Really? Hey, this is excellent book. I lend it to you. Read it."
But my friend say, "No thank you. I don't read book"

So, I explained about Repairman Jack. About The Tomb, about Jack's personality, about Rakoshi, and about Gia, etc,etc.....But my friend said. "Hmm......sounds good. But no thank you. Maybe I'll see the movie version"

If your friends don't know about RJ or AC, how do you recommend RJ and AC to your friends? Tell me your ways.

How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - stacyzinda123 - 04-19-2005

Kenji Wrote:I wanna ask one thing to everybody.

My friends don't read novels. Nevertheless everybody like movies. For example, everybody like movie "The Lord of the Rings", but nobody read the books. I recommended books to friends, "Hey, books are great, you should read them!" But almost guys say,"Books? No! That's too long! No, no, no, I don't read them."

If your friends don't know about RJ or AC, how do you recommend RJ and AC to your friends? Tell me your ways.
That's a tough one, Kenji. I haven't been able to persuade anyone who doesn't normally read to try a book I recommend. I've had much better luck with people that already enjoy reading. They're more inclined to try something new. Non-readers don't want to be bothered spending hours with a book when they can catch a movie in 90 minutes. But, they don't know what they're missing!

How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - jimbow8 - 04-19-2005

It is difficult to convince someone to read a book if they don't normally read in the first place. It might be best to start with some short stories that were the basis of a movie that they really like a lot. If they read it and enjoy it they might progress to larger books. But if they don't enjoy reading, there is probably nothing you will be able to do to convince them.

How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - Scott Miller - 04-19-2005

Kenji Wrote:If your friends don't know about RJ or AC, how do you recommend RJ and AC to your friends? Tell me your ways.

I usually get them in a stepover toehold, hand them a book, and tell them they just purchased a ticket to the train of pain unless they can discuss the book with me tomorrow.

Alas, that isn't how it really works. Americans are no different than Japanese in their aversion to reading; most of the people I meet think books are contaminated. I agree with Stacy, it is difficult to provoke someone into reading if they don't want to do it.

How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - Keith the Elder - 04-19-2005

If people don't enjoy reading already, there is nothing you can do. However, I have found that if they are already readers and enjoy similar stories by other writers, I will buy them a copy of THE KEEP. They politely accept, and either read it or not. I would say that 50% do read it and are impressed, the rest don't even crack the cover. This is all you can do.

K the e

How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - Paul R - 04-20-2005

Unfortunately, I think to a lot of people (far too many people, in fact) reading is a lost art.
A number of years ago I was working as an encyclopaedia salesman. I was in a busy shopping centre and would get people's attention by having them enter a competition to win a full set of encyclopaedias, after which I would launch in with my sales patter.
This one man came up to me and asked what he could win. When I told him he looked at me in disbelief and said, "Books? What do I want books for?"
What's sad is that he really looked like he couldn't grasp the concept of anyone ever actually wanting a book.
Someone once said to me, 'The Thick will inherit the Earth', and unless people start changing soon, he may be right.

How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - Kenji - 04-20-2005

Thanks, everybody. Those were good reference for me.

I understood. Non-reader is forever non-reader, after all. But should I give up...? Hmmm... Sad

One problem is...recent Japanese people don't read foreign author's books. Most people knows about Stephen King. But another problem is everybody know "Green Mile=Stephen King".
But nobody knows "The STAND=S.K".
That reason, Green Mile is movie. It's well known movie. But The STAND is not movie.

In best seller books ranking in Japan....almost books are Japanese author's books. Only one foreign author is Dan Brown.

How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - ShadowLord - 04-20-2005

Hi all -- first post here just joined the forum group.

I have been a fan of RJ ever since I read the first book..for me I am lucky that most of my friends enjoy a good book and the best way for me to get them hooked was to lend them a copy of one of the RJ books I read.. usually got them hooked...If they don't read much that's their loss isnt it..


How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - Maggers - 04-20-2005

ShadowLord Wrote:Hi all -- first post here just joined the forum group.

I have been a fan of RJ ever since I read the first book..for me I am lucky that most of my friends enjoy a good book and the best way for me to get them hooked was to lend them a copy of one of the RJ books I read.. usually got them hooked...If they don't read much that's their loss isnt it..


Welcome to the Board, Shadowlord. It's a great place to hang out. Enjoy!

How do you recommend RJ and AC to friends? - Kenji - 04-20-2005

ShadowLord Wrote:Hi all -- first post here just joined the forum group.

I have been a fan of RJ ever since I read the first book..for me I am lucky that most of my friends enjoy a good book and the best way for me to get them hooked was to lend them a copy of one of the RJ books I read.. usually got them hooked...If they don't read much that's their loss isnt it..


Welcome to the board, ShadowLord. Enjoy your reading and anytime visit in here. Smile