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Open Water - Tony H - 01-13-2005

Did anyone else happen to see this film? I am eager to hear what others have thought about this movie.

When I rented it last night, the guy at Blockbuster said, "I want to give you advance warning, this movie sucked." Which I would have appreciated had the advanced warning come prior to me paying and walking out the door.

So I watch the movie thinking it is going to suck. Well to my delight I happened to enjoy it very much.

It is different, but then again arent all indies? The film is pretty scary and based loosely on a true event.

The film is relatively short, I believe only like 80+ minutes but had it been any longer the film would have ventured into the boring stage, the writer knew exactly when to end the movie.

But don't watch the movie as a shark movie like the advertisements want you to believe it is. There are sharks but that is not the MAIN focus of the film.

This movie, IMO, was very well done and kept me on the edge of my seat.

Open Water - APhew - 01-13-2005

I agree, I really enjoyed it. It's not so much a "shark film" as it is an "isolation film".

It's not like I needed another reason to "not go in the water", though. Big Grin

Open Water - jimbow8 - 01-13-2005

I posted about this a while back after I saw it in the theater:

Quote:This is an incredible review by Ebert. I thought this movie sounded somewhat interesting, but now I feel compelled to see it.

Open Water / ***1/2 ®

Quote:I saw Open Water today and really liked it. At times it has a documentary feel to it, giving it more of a sense of reality. I also know that it is all actual footage with no special effects, which also helps. It isn't a scary movie so much as a deeply disturbing movie. It didn't really make me afraid of water, but it did touch more core fears of desertion, loneliness, lack of control, and hopelessness. The very fact that it is so low-key is why I think it is so effective. You have no choice but begin to explore the true horror of the situation in your own mind. I would have to say the thing I liked the least was the few times that the movie cut back to the "mainland" and took you out of the perspective of the stranded couple; they didn't know what was happening outside of their own reality, so why should the audience?

Great movie! I must ask how well you think it translated onto the "little screen"?

Open Water - Maggers - 01-13-2005

****************SPOILER FOR OPEN WATER ****************

I loved "Open Water." I wrote about it somewhere else on this board but I can't find it. Given how little money went into the making of this film, it was a great achievement.

I was dumbstruck and emotionally pounded by the ending, which is heartbreaking and gut wrenching.

As I rode home in the cab with a friend, I felt like I needed to wring my clothes dry. That's how much this film affected me.

Open Water - Marc - 01-13-2005

I haven't been able to finish it yet. I have this fear of being in the water where I can't see the bottom. So I make it another 5 or 10 minutes before shutting it off. I will get through it within the next couple of weeks at this rate I'm sure.

Open Water - jimbow8 - 01-13-2005

Marc B. Wrote:I haven't been able to finish it yet. I have this fear of being in the water where I can't see the bottom. So I make it another 5 or 10 minutes before shutting it off. I will get through it within the next couple of weeks at this rate I'm sure.
For some reason your reply sent a shiver down my spine.... Envisioning being in the water unable to see the bottom. Oh, this movie is perfect for you, Marc! Big Grin :p

Open Water - Tony H - 01-13-2005

jimbow8 Wrote:I posted about this a while back after I saw it in the theater:

Great movie! I must ask how well you think it translated onto the "little screen"?

On the small screen I assume it may have lost something, but I have a large screen tv with surround sound so it still held an impact. I had all the lights off and was hypnotized by the clarity of the picture. It was filmed on a digital camera so the dvd format produces a beautiful transfer. The scenes where the sharks pass below the couple unbeknownst to them are some of the scariest scenes I have ever seen in a movie.

And the ending is absolutely heartbreaking, literally brought tears to my eyes. The hoplesness of the situation lingers with the viewer long after the movie ends.

I read what was said earlier about the cut scenes on the mainland. While I agree with the sentiments I think it worked as a stark contrast. The island continues to party and have fun completely oblivious to the peril that the stranded couple faces. It evoked feelings of anger and helplessness and therefore I thought it was an effective tool.


Open Water - Scott Miller - 01-13-2005

AsMoral Wrote:When I rented it last night, the guy at Blockbuster said, "I want to give you advance warning, this movie sucked." Which I would have appreciated had the advanced warning come prior to me paying and walking out the door.

I work at BB, I know I'm the enemy, and I almost never offer an opinion of any movies unless asked. Two of the guys I work with have been bad-mouthing
Open Water something terrible, so much so that several customers have opted for a different movie instead. I don't care about the business, but it bothers me that people refuse to check out what sounds like a thoughtful, well-crafted movie based on the opinion of someone who thinks Too Fast, Too Furious is a classic. And we wonder why quality is lacking in Hollywood.

Open Water - jimbow8 - 01-13-2005

Scott Miller Wrote:I work at BB, I know I'm the enemy, and I almost never offer an opinion of any movies unless asked. Two of the guys I work with have been bad-mouthing
Open Water something terrible, so much so that several customers have opted for a different movie instead. I don't care about the business, but it bothers me that people refuse to check out what sounds like a thoughtful, well-crafted movie based on the opinion of someone who thinks Too Fast, Too Furious is a classic. And we wonder why quality is lacking in Hollywood.
Yes, you are the enemy. :p Wink Enemy to Widescreen and unedited movies! Big Grin

Sounds pretty tacky and bad for business for an employee to be badmouthing movies to customers if they weren't asked. Sounds like you have the right idea.

Open Water - Kenji - 06-25-2005

Today I went to theater, and I saw Open Water.

I enjoyed it. I felt reality, like a documentary. Oh yeah, it was really scary. Unbelievable it was based on a true story. If it was me......*shudder* :eek:

One good thing was they didn't offer to famous actor and actress. That's why this movie succeeded. If this was Keanu Reeves and Cameron Diaz..... Rolleyes Well, Blanchard Ryan and Daniel Travis was good.