What is your fav RJ book?? - Printable Version

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What is your fav RJ book?? - the Oracle - 01-07-2005

Select your all-time favorite RJ book from this poll list.

Notice that Infernal isn't included (for obvious reasons).


What is your fav RJ book?? - Maggers - 01-08-2005

I feel like a mother trying to pick her favorite child! Don't make me do this! I'd give them all 5 stars out of 5.

If I absolutely positively HAD to pick just one, I guess it would be THE TOMB, because it introduced me to RJ in all his wonderfulness, and also introduced me to the Otherness in all it's .... er, otherness.

What is your fav RJ book?? - Mr_Falcon - 01-08-2005

Force me to choose, and I'd have to say Legacies.

It is ironic. I was telling another BB member in a PM. I first read FRP in college and the book was Healer. I never saw another until his short story Bob Dylan, Troy Johnson, etc. I had always assumed he was a straight SF writer. My next book was The Select 2 years ago. OK he is a doctor like me and wanted to write a horror story about medical school. Medical school itself is a horror story, btw! Then my next book was Legacies. Again it is sort of an SF book. When I started reading more RJ and more FPW (by now, he was a favorite up there with Silvergerg and Heilein) I was shocked to see horror/fantasy and not SF. I kept reading, though! He is now a favorite regardless of the genre he writes in.
I still scour the used bookstores in every city I go to looking for the rest of the Healer story so I can finish reading fpw's SF works. Anyway, RJ is, IMHO, practically a genre all his own.

What is your fav RJ book?? - jimbow8 - 01-08-2005

Mr_Falcon Wrote:Force me to choose, and I'd have to say Legacies.

It is ironic. I was telling another BB member in a PM. I first read FRP in college and the book was Healer. I never saw another until his short story Bob Dylan, Troy Johnson, etc. I had always assumed he was a straight SF writer. My next book was The Select 2 years ago. OK he is a doctor like me and wanted to write a horror story about medical school. Medical school itself is a horror story, btw! Then my next book was Legacies. Again it is sort of an SF book. When I started reading more RJ and more FPW (by now, he was a favorite up there with Silvergerg and Heilein) I was shocked to see horror/fantasy and not SF. I kept reading, though! He is now a favorite regardless of the genre he writes in.
I still scour the used bookstores in every city I go to looking for the rest of the Healer story so I can finish reading fpw's SF works. Anyway, RJ is, IMHO, practically a genre all his own.
Have you read Masque yet? The most SF of his books that I have read so far, except maybe for Healer.

I still have a hard time finding FPW in the used book stores because he is scattered in all the different genres: SF, Horror, Fiction, Harlequin Romance (just kidding!), Historical Fiction, etc.

What is your fav RJ book?? - Mr_Falcon - 01-08-2005

Yes I have read Masque. I desparately want to find those Lanaque Chronicles (forgive my spelling).
You touched on why I had probably assumed he was solely an SF author and never found more books on him for so many years. I go to a library, and I head straight for the SF section. My girlfriend at the time and I always loved Healer, and wondered why this guy wasn't writing more stuff. We were just not looking in the other sections, I guess.

What is your fav RJ book?? - maxplay - 01-09-2005

The Haunted Air barely edges out Gateways for me.

What is your fav RJ book?? - dr_em2001 - 01-09-2005

Well, I really liked the Tom obsiously, but Gateways was really awesome too. I love how the RJ books have never deteriorated...not only do they keep their length and depth, but also the plots keep getting better or as good. I love em' all. A side note, I read Masque also, and it is very Sci-fiey, but it was great. It's hard to believe that the same author that rbought us RJ/AC also wrote or co-wrote masterpieces like Select, Masque, Nightkill (one of my favs) and Mirage. Such a variety Big Grin .

What is your fav RJ book?? - sublime1983 - 01-09-2005

I guess Legacies was my favorite because it didn't consist of super natural who-struck-johns ( not saying that the super natural stuff is bad, I really like it, but this book was good even with out the cool sn stuff). But I have only been able to read the first four in the series. I am waiting on Hosts to come through, then I will have them all. My parents got me all the books to the series except for the next one I needed.

What is your fav RJ book?? - phoenix rising - 10-05-2007

I voted for Decatur, GA since that is the only one I'll be able to make. (Having kids in school makes the others impossibilities)

What is your fav RJ book?? - Auskar - 10-05-2007

Bizarre. I don't see a list of books. I see a list of dates.

Maybe this is the route back to Football Wonderland? I only took a poll once and I ended up on pages talking about football and I've never been able to find it again.