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Just finished Criss Cross - Brianmack5 - 12-08-2004

fpw Wrote:I can't imagine who you're talking about. (But so far, so good.)

Without running the risk of looking like a complete idiot, who are yall talking about. What other cult is similar to the dormentalist? Oh by the way I thought Crisscross was one of the best....of course that could be because I have been reading Dan Browns stuff. And he just can't compare with the best author in the world.

Just finished Criss Cross - the Oracle - 12-08-2004

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Alan Wrote:More spoilers

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This is just my sick imagination, infected by Bravo's recent 100 scariest movie moments special, but I think the baby might be born as a monster and kill everyone in the delivery room except Gia and Jack, if he's there. Then Jack will have to hunt it down and kill it. Eventually as he pursues it he'll find out it's not his kid but that Rasalom raped and impregnated Gia some time shortly after Conspiracies.

Remember Jack sensing someone above him at the end of Conspiracies. Jack looks up but doesn't see anything. Rasalom follows him from above for a few days, learns his secrets, and as punishment for his transgressions gives him and his lady a nasty surprise. He does the Jedi mind trick on Gia so she can't tell anyone what happened or even remember it. That would also explain Gia's recent problems. Allied forces are trying to stop the beasty from being born. I do sense the otherness isn't behind Gia's problems.

Of course it probably won't happen that way but it sure sounds cool.
sort of has a Mordred ring from Dark Tower... Perhaps he should kill Gia the way Mordred killed Mia by sucking her entire body through her nipple.



Just finished Criss Cross - Maggers - 12-12-2004

It's approaching 5 AM, and I've been up all night finishing "Crisscross." I have 3 words to say.





As far as nice folks meeting untimely ends, how about Carl, the caretaker in "Gateways," the fellow with the arm we never did see, but to which was attached all manner of gardening tools, not to mention canoe paddles? I liked him, a lot! And death by Dora, ouch!

Just finished Criss Cross - Brian Taylor - 12-12-2004

fpw Wrote:Obviously when you start an RJ novel you can assume he'll be alive at the end. Same with Gia and Vickie and Abe and Julio.

Well, you just took away some of the suspense for me. I was assuming that Jack was the only one I could count on surviving -- anyone else might get offed at some point.