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Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 10-06-2013

So I don't facebook but I see FPW's along with his tweets here, and there have been many instances where I would have chimed in on a topic but don't due to my being a non facebooker or tweeter. I don't do them because I know myself well enough to know that they would consume me if I were to join. Anyway I'm starting this thread so that I can comment on the things from there like the panel for lost classics that FPW is on. Now if I've read them they can't be too lost and I doubt that any of them are true classics but here's a few fantasy writers that I rarely see mentioned whose work I've enjoyed.

Dennis McKiernan's The Iron Tower Trilogy which introduces us to his fantasy realm of Mithgar.

Paul Edwin Zimmer's Dark Border books I think pre-date the real dark epic fantasies that are so popular today(I'm not saying he invented them but he was my first exposure to that kind of writing).

Michael de Larrabeiti's The Borribles and The Borribles Go For Broke were the first books to feature teenaged anti-heroes that I read.

Robert Weinberg is well-known as an editor but I don't see his writing mentioned and he was one of the first authors that I'm aware of to tackle urban fantasy with books like The Devil's Auction, The Armagedon Box and The Logical Magician.

Kenneth C. Flint writes about Celtic myths in his Sidhe books but he wrote two of my all time dark fantasies in Cromm and Otherworld.

And lastly Garfield Reeves-Stevens Bloodshift is the most kickass vampire book that no one knows about.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 10-12-2013

I just finished up Vicious by V. E. Schwab thanks to a recommendation from the wall and absolutely loved it. Great characters all around but Victor was brilliant. I couldn't read it fast enough.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - t4terrific - 10-12-2013

I often post articles to Facebook, or pictures, but never actually go on Facebook. I found that Facebook is the easiest way to start thinking of your friends and family as stupid. I don't go there anymore. Magically, my friends and family no longer seem quite so stupid.Big Grin

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 10-23-2013

I picked up Orphan Black after seeing it on your wall and it is one of the best first episodes of any show I have ever watched. Hopefully it can sustain that level of suspense throughout the series(I heard it does for the most part)because it was immediately engrossing.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - VEGASVIC - 10-23-2013

How were Flint's books? They sound pretty interesting.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 10-23-2013

VEGASVIC Wrote:How were Flint's books? They sound pretty interesting.

I loved both Cromm and Otherworld; they may seem like old hat nowadays but they were among the first urban fantasies I ever read. I only read a couple of his Sidhe books as I was sort of moving away from the traditional sword and sorcery fantasy but I did like them.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 11-19-2013

Those 3-D tattoos are crazy; I too wonder if they're real. I like the map on the shoulder and the lattice leg the best.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - IanSF - 11-19-2013

Scott Miller Wrote:Those 3-D tattoos are crazy; I too wonder if they're real. I like the map on the shoulder and the lattice leg the best.
The only one that looked real to me was the Mayan deltoid and upper arm job.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Alvin Fox - 11-19-2013

That reminded me of a blog that I just went through again to catch up on. You send in a picture of your tattoo with chinese characters and this guy will translate it. He hasn't updated since August though.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 12-01-2013

I too enjoyed The Way Way Back and especially Rockwell's performance(He still remains my number one choice to portray RJ in a movie, a TV/cable series I'd go with an unknown or hardly known). I dug the soundtrack so much that I bought a Ben Kweller and a Gadabouts CD based on their contributions and must say I'm impressed by both.