Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Printable Version

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Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Smoke - 02-10-2013

I noticed there is no plot summaries for many of the RJ novel articles on Wikipedia. Maybe some of you guys would have some fun placing some on there. I may do The Tomb once I finish reading it.

Wikipedia Articles for RJ - t4terrific - 02-11-2013

That is surprising. I figured stuff like that was Wiki'd practically immediately.

Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Brian - 02-11-2013

A few people on here, don't like Wikipedia. LOL

Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Tony H - 02-12-2013

Nothing wrong with Wikipedia. Granted it is a user maintained site and the information contained within can be suspect at times...people's complaint is that it is not a credible source to quote in a debate.

Just thought I would clarify Bri's statement.

Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Fenian1916 - 02-12-2013

Wikipedia is not a credible source and zombies do NOT eat brains

Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Sigokat - 02-12-2013

wait, I thought zombies DID eat I'm confused.

But I mean do zombies really eat all the rest of a person and NOT the if eating the brains is just too gross for zombies? I mean, really, WTF, over?

Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Tony H - 02-12-2013

I didn't peg zombies as picky eaters. This requires to the pedia of wiki!

Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Sigokat - 02-12-2013

Agreed. Then the outlandish cries that zombies do not eat brains is inherently false! They DO eat brains ALONG with the rest of the flesh and fleshy parts of the living!


Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Fenian1916 - 02-12-2013

The jury is still out

Wikipedia Articles for RJ - Sigokat - 02-12-2013

Well once Toni finishes the research I'm sure it will be shown that zombies consume all fleshy and squishy substences, including Brians