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Falling Skies - TNT - Medusa - 06-29-2011

Has anyone else seen this yet? It premiered on TNT June 19th. We DVDR'd it then forgot about it. We just watched the season premier tonight and will watch last week's episode tomorrow. I'm "iffy" on it. I'll have to watch a little more to see if I really like it.

Falling Skies - TNT - The Mad American - 06-30-2011

Medusa Wrote:Has anyone else seen this yet? It premiered on TNT June 19th. We DVDR'd it then forgot about it. We just watched the season premier tonight and will watch last week's episode tomorrow. I'm "iffy" on it. I'll have to watch a little more to see if I really like it.

I had planned on watching it. Wasn't sure about it and wanted to give it a chance. I forgot. I also forgot to set the DVR but I am sure they will replay it. Will have to keep my eye out for it.

Falling Skies - TNT - Sigokat - 06-30-2011

I wanted to watch it, but also forgot. A guy in my class watched the pilot and said it really wasn't that good. Not like the previews made it seem it would be.

Falling Skies - TNT - DaveStrorm - 06-30-2011

I DVR'd both weeks and just watched them over the past couple of days.

I was disappointed in hour 1 and most of hour 2 of the first week. It didn't get decent until the end. The 2nd week was a little better. Haven't decided yet if I will keep watching it. I'll give it another week or 2 and see how it progresses.

Falling Skies - TNT - Brian - 06-30-2011

I wasn't impressed with it after seeing both the pilot and this past week's episode. I'll DVR #3 and give it another try. Unless something really pops, I'll drop it.

Falling Skies - TNT - Tesla's folly - 07-04-2011

I missed the last two episodes, I liked the 2 hour pilot.

Then again the show is about some guerrilla soldier history professor fighting UFOs. Being a history major that seemed funny.

Falling Skies - TNT - Medusa - 07-04-2011

Commercials every 10 minutes! We timed it. Holy cow that got old really quick. Still undecided after watching last night's episode.

Falling Skies - TNT - Tall Tyrion - 07-06-2011

I've been watching it, but it's pretty unmemorable so far. I can't keep the characters straight.