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Hunger Games - The Movie - webby - 04-24-2011

Fans of the excellent YA 'HUNGER GAMES' trilogy by Suzanne Collins, prepare to rant and/or rejoice. The first of three movies begins filming soon with an expected release in about a year.

Many important roles have already been cast. You can see who has been chosen here at

I like most of the casting so far, though I'm a little doubtful on the choices for Gale and Peeta. The choice for Rue, on the other hand, is nearly perfection itself - and will be perfect as long as her acting is good. Can't wait to see who will play Haymitch.

The good thing is that the director is working very closely with the author in selecting the cast and adapting the story for film. At least I hope that's good news. I know I'll see the movie and I really don't want it ruining this fabulous story for me. Crossing my fingers already.

Hunger Games - The Movie - The Mad American - 04-25-2011

webby Wrote:Fans of the excellent YA 'HUNGER GAMES' trilogy by Suzanne Collins, prepare to rant and/or rejoice. The first of three movies begins filming soon with an expected release in about a year.

Many important roles have already been cast. You can see who has been chosen here at

I like most of the casting so far, though I'm a little doubtful on the choices for Gale and Peeta. The choice for Rue, on the other hand, is nearly perfection itself - and will be perfect as long as her acting is good. Can't wait to see who will play Haymitch.

The good thing is that the director is working very closely with the author in selecting the cast and adapting the story for film. At least I hope that's good news. I know I'll see the movie and I really don't want it ruining this fabulous story for me. Crossing my fingers already.

I agree with the casting of Rue. If the girl can act she looks perfect for the role. The only thing I see is that I pictured in my mind the people cast for Peeta and Gale being good if they were switched. I always pictured Gale as the dark haired one with the dark eyes and Peeta as the blue eyed, corn fed looking one.

As far as the story goes, possible spoilers below for anyone who hasn't read them:

First, I want to make it clear I loved this trilogy. A teenage female as the main character/hero was well done and I liked the entire arc of the story. With that being said, the ending of the trilogy left me feeling a can I explain it? The word that comes to mind is "meh". I felt it meandered too long in the journey to and through the capital and I saw Prim's fate from the very first book and was disappointed that it turned out how I thought it would. And then it went to the "too happy" place. But I must remind myself it was a YA trilogy.

What a grumpy old bugger I have become. I loved these books and still find something to criticize. Oh well, it is just my nature I guess. Time to go yell at the neighbor kids to get off my lawn.:bigsmile:

Hunger Games - The Movie - Scott Miller - 04-25-2011

Here's hoping that it is worthwhile.

Hunger Games - The Movie - webby - 05-11-2011

UPDATE: They've cast all the tributes, including "Foxface", Cato and Clove now. Also cast are Prim, Mrs. Everdeen, Effie Trinkett, Ceasar Flickerman and.... Woody Harrelson as Haymitch!

I never imagined Woody in that role, but I have to admit that is some inspired casting right there. I bet he'll be nothing short of amazing.

So I think the last "big" actor announcement for part one of this trilogy is who will play Cinna. Read some pretty good rumors.. we'll see soon, I think, if any of them are true.

Hunger Games - The Movie - Sigokat - 05-12-2011

This series was recommended to me by a fellow classmate a week or so ago (the book series that is). Is it worth the read?

Hunger Games - The Movie - The Mad American - 05-12-2011

sigokat Wrote:This series was recommended to me by a fellow classmate a week or so ago (the book series that is). Is it worth the read?

I liked it a lot. It is a YA series but it doesn't really read that way. I would second the recommend as I am sure Webby would and I think Scott would as well since I think he has read them.

Hunger Games - The Movie - webby - 05-12-2011

sigokat Wrote:This series was recommended to me by a fellow classmate a week or so ago (the book series that is). Is it worth the read?

The Mad American Wrote:I liked it a lot. It is a YA series but it doesn't really read that way. I would second the recommend as I am sure Webby would and I think Scott would as well since I think he has read them.

Webby HIGHLY recommends this series. Wink

And I agree with MA that it isn't your typical YA series (or even adult series for that matter). The author treats her audience like people capable of intelligent thought and doesn't flinch from difficult, sometimes unpleasant, ideas.

Read the first one at least. I bet you'll be buying the second and third parts even before you finish the first.

Hunger Games - The Movie - The Mad American - 05-12-2011

webby Wrote:Webby HIGHLY recommends this series. Wink

And I agree with MA that it isn't your typical YA series (or even adult series for that matter). The author treats her audience like people capable of intelligent thought and doesn't flinch from difficult, sometimes unpleasant, ideas.

Read the first one at least. I bet you'll be buying the second and third parts even before you finish the first.

Agree. I read all three back to back to back and it went fast. The first two especially.

Hunger Games - The Movie - webby - 05-12-2011

The Mad American Wrote:Agree. I read all three back to back to back and it went fast. The first two especially.

Same here. I just recently read all three for the second time (when I found out the movie versions were going to be made) and they were just as exciting and hard to put down the second time.

I really hope the movies do the books justice. It's looking good so far.

Hunger Games - The Movie - Scott Miller - 05-12-2011

The Mad American Wrote:I liked it a lot. It is a YA series but it doesn't really read that way. I would second the recommend as I am sure Webby would and I think Scott would as well since I think he has read them.

I can only recommensd the first as it's the only one I've read. I'm mired in a serious reading slump; I haven't finished anything in a couple of months outside of a few graphic novels. The good news is I've hooked into one I think I'll make it to the back cover in; The book Thief by Markus Zusak. It too is considered a YA book but doesn't pander.