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Mad Men - Scott Miller - 08-25-2010

I had to see what all the rage was about and just finished the first two seasons. For the most part it lived up to the hype; there are many excellent aspects to the show. The acting and writing are among the best on TV and I absolutely love how they weave history into the story. That said, it is one of the slowest paced shows you'll ever watch and most of the characters aren't very likable-even the ones I like tend to be cads or victims of the sexism of the times. I'd recommend it to patient viewers.

Mad Men - Aprilis - 08-26-2010

Scott Miller Wrote:I had to see what all the rage was about and just finished the first two seasons. For the most part it lived up to the hype; there are many excellent aspects to the show. The acting and writing are among the best on TV and I absolutely love how they weave history into the story. That said, it is one of the slowest paced shows you'll ever watch and most of the characters aren't very likable-even the ones I like tend to be cads or victims of the sexism of the times. I'd recommend it to patient viewers.

I love this show! Smile

Mad Men - Scott Miller - 08-26-2010

Aprilis Wrote:I love this show! Smile

I can't say that I love it, but it's definitely good.

Mad Men - Maggers - 09-10-2010

Scott Miller Wrote:I can't say that I love it, but it's definitely good.

Liam just bought me Seasons 1, 2, and 3 of MAD MEN. It's addicting in an odd way. I did not expect the pace to be as slow as it is, so I agree with you there, Scott. That being said, the show is mesmerizing. I lived through that time. I was, thank god, young enough that I never had to work in an office environment like those depicted in MAD MEN. By the time I got to be a secretary in a large public relations firm in the early 70's, the sexual revolution had begun, Women's Lib was a burgeoning movement, and our consciounesses had been raised. Huzzah for all that.

I sit and grouse at the TV, yelling "male chauvinist pig!" and "stop TOUCHING her that way!" and "Oh my god, that dress is gorgeous!" and "Look at that hair!" The show absolutely captures the period, and that's not easy to do.

I also agree, Scott, that the characters are not likable. There is not a hero amongst them, not even a hint of one. Yet, it's compelling television. We are only up to the 5th episode, so the laying out of the characters is still in progress. For instance, I hated Peter Campbell from the start until we met his father, and then I began to have a squidgen of pity for Peter.

I'm committed to this show. It's provocative.

It's also great fun to watch these series in large chunks.

Mad Men - Scott Miller - 09-13-2010

Maggers Wrote:Liam just bought me Seasons 1, 2, and 3 of MAD MEN. It's addicting in an odd way. I did not expect the pace to be as slow as it is, so I agree with you there, Scott. That being said, the show is mesmerizing. I lived through that time. I was, thank god, young enough that I never had to work in an office environment like those depicted in MAD MEN. By the time I got to be a secretary in a large public relations firm in the early 70's, the sexual revolution had begun, Women's Lib was a burgeoning movement, and our consciounesses had been raised. Huzzah for all that.

I sit and grouse at the TV, yelling "male chauvinist pig!" and "stop TOUCHING her that way!" and "Oh my god, that dress is gorgeous!" and "Look at that hair!" The show absolutely captures the period, and that's not easy to do.

I also agree, Scott, that the characters are not likable. There is not a hero amongst them, not even a hint of one. Yet, it's compelling television. We are only up to the 5th episode, so the laying out of the characters is still in progress. For instance, I hated Peter Campbell from the start until we met his father, and then I began to have a squidgen of pity for Peter.

I'm committed to this show. It's provocative.

It's also great fun to watch these series in large chunks.

The show does an exceptional job of dispelling the 'good old days' myth. The times will always be good for those with money and power but that is always going to be a small percentage of the population and the rest of us are forced to fight for the scraps they toss our way.

I so see my mother as a victim of the era; she was a head nurse but once she started having us kids she became an instant housewife and I don't think it was all that satisfying for her.

Mad Men - Aprilis - 09-15-2010

just wait til you get to season 4 ... Betty is so changed in my eyes ...

but on the subjects of 60's stay at home wives ... my bf when we first met gave me an article out of good housekeeping from the 50's that explained what being a good wife is all about ... the tips included not talking back, having dinner ready, keeping up a clean house, not boring the husband with any chatter because he isnt interested in what the wife has to say ... etc ...

its funny now ...

Mad Men - Maggers - 09-22-2010

We are almost finished Season 3. I love this show. I more or less disrespected everyone at the beginning of the series. But as the show has progressed, the characters have been fleshed out in a way that does not glamorize them or their flaws, and yet I've come to know them and like them, warts and all.

I don't know what will happen to them, I am in the middle of Season 3. But I do know that no one can drink like they do and not pay a hefty price. (Well, Freddy Rumsfeld has already paid for peeing his pants.) Forget the smoking, that will kill 'em all in the end. Incipient lung cancer not withstanding, the alcohol has to begin to take its toll. I've never seen anyone imbibe as they do, so casually and so frequently. In fact, I suspect they consume more alcohol than most Americans do water on a daily basis. God bless their livers. In that respect (the ubiquitous alcohol and cigarettes) it's a damn scary show.

The show has a stupendous cast, great talent, outstanding writing, and an utterly unforgettable look. I love the music, too.

Pretty soon we'll be finished Season 3, and it's hard to find complete episodes of AMC shows while the season is in progress. AMC doesn't like showing them for free anywhere, or anywhere that I have access to, at any rate. Guess I'll have to wait for the release of Season 4 on DVD. Boo hoo.

Mad Men - Scott Miller - 12-16-2010

Maggers Wrote:We are almost finished Season 3. I love this show. I more or less disrespected everyone at the beginning of the series. But as the show has progressed, the characters have been fleshed out in a way that does not glamorize them or their flaws, and yet I've come to know them and like them, warts and all.

I don't know what will happen to them, I am in the middle of Season 3. But I do know that no one can drink like they do and not pay a hefty price. (Well, Freddy Rumsfeld has already paid for peeing his pants.) Forget the smoking, that will kill 'em all in the end. Incipient lung cancer not withstanding, the alcohol has to begin to take its toll. I've never seen anyone imbibe as they do, so casually and so frequently. In fact, I suspect they consume more alcohol than most Americans do water on a daily basis. God bless their livers. In that respect (the ubiquitous alcohol and cigarettes) it's a damn scary show.

The show has a stupendous cast, great talent, outstanding writing, and an utterly unforgettable look. I love the music, too.

Pretty soon we'll be finished Season 3, and it's hard to find complete episodes of AMC shows while the season is in progress. AMC doesn't like showing them for free anywhere, or anywhere that I have access to, at any rate. Guess I'll have to wait for the release of Season 4 on DVD. Boo hoo.

I watched the final episode of Season 3 this morning and what a shake up it was. Even though I knew of Don's divorce it still hit like a ton of bricks when he had to say goodbye to his kids. Powerful stuff.

I am really bummed at my kids; they screwed up our DVR as I was recording Season 4 when I noticed that the episodes stopped after the first three and it does not appear as though they are being rerun so I'm left waiting for DVDs in a year or so.

Mad Men - Maggers - 12-23-2010

Scott Miller does not appear as though they are being rerun so I'm left waiting for DVDs in a year or so.

The producers of Mad Men, like the producers of another favorite of mine, Modern Family, are very protective of their product. They show it only under very controlled circumstances. I'm dying for Season 4 of Mad Men. Oh, what a show!

Mad Men - Scott Miller - 12-23-2010

Maggers Wrote:The producers of Mad Men, like the producers of another favorite of mine, Modern Family, are very protective of their product. They show it only under very controlled circumstances. I'm dying for Season 4 of Mad Men. Oh, what a show!

I'm a fan of Modern Family as well-definitely one of the best ensemble comedies of all time. I busted my gut when Cameron fell off the back of the couch when he attempted to kiss Mitch in the rerun I just watched. I actually don't mind the wait for Mad Men and even wish it weren't so easy to view anything at anytime because maybe it would provide a level of quality control.