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Clash of the Titans - redheadmargo - 07-31-2010

Has anyone seen this re-make yet? I am a huge geek when it comes to greek mythology and loved the cheesy first one....

A quick the Percy Jackson series for kids and freakin loved it!!!

Clash of the Titans - Medusa - 07-31-2010

My son and I went to the theater to see it and we weren't all that impressed with it. I thought they could've substituted 30-40 minutes of it with something a lot less boring. Liam Neeson was pretty cool as Zeus.

Clash of the Titans - Kenji - 08-01-2010

redheadmargo Wrote:Has anyone seen this re-make yet? I am a huge geek when it comes to greek mythology and loved the cheesy first one....

A quick the Percy Jackson series for kids and freakin loved it!!!

If you like original Clash of the Titans, remake will disappoint you. Actually, remake version's Greek mythology was totally wrong.

Except Liam Neeson was good.

Clash of the Titans - Tony H - 08-01-2010

I agree with the others. The movie is crap. It's boring and no sense of peril. Perseus seems to have every conflict handled for him with challenge at all.

It sorely lacks the magic and charm of the first film and instead tries to be gritty and brutal but it ever manages to be anything other than yawn-inducing.

Clash of the Titans - redheadmargo - 08-02-2010

Thanks, my friends, I won't waste the money.....

Clash of the Titans - liufang898186 - 08-05-2010

Very nice post. This will help possible client to get a quality person.

Clash of the Titans - cobalt - 08-05-2010


troll_alert.jpg (Size: 10.72 KB Downloads: 43)

Clash of the Titans - Brian - 08-05-2010

LOL Now we have trolls here?

Clash of the Titans - redheadmargo - 08-05-2010

What the hell is that about?????

Clash of the Titans - Medusa - 08-05-2010

"Ugg boots (sometimes called uggs)[1] are unisex sheepskin boots, made of twin-faced sheepskin with fleece on the inside and with a tanned outer surface."

Just kidding! I have no idea either. Some spammer! They hit a lot of threads too.