Introducing Our New Wiki! - Printable Version

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Introducing Our New Wiki! - Silverfish - 08-14-2008

We have a new Wiki!


Our own content.

No outside or unwanted changes can be made to the entries.

All the trivia you want!

I will post entries as is.

Completely searchable.


Can only be edited by me at this moment. You can email me content you wish to have put in, and I will update the page. I will be doing updates 1 or 2 times a week, usually on weekends. Email:
S i l v e r f i s h S t e p h a n i e at g m a i l . c o m
with requests, and instructions on what goes where (sorry, I'm not a mindreader.) Please do not insert common spam words in the subject line. Your email will be deleted by my filters.

Small storage space. I will be limiting entries to text only for the time being.

Some entries may contain spoilers.

You can visit our new Wiki at:

Feedback is definitely appreciated. Also, if someone can find a way to make this a true Wiki where we can all edit, or you have hosting space, please let us know on the Board.



Update: fixed URL. Thanks.

Introducing Our New Wiki! - Lysistrata - 08-14-2008

[Image: applaudissements-185.gif]

Introducing Our New Wiki! - webby - 08-14-2008

[Image: thumbsup-1.gif]

I've never seen a wiki animated like that. Pretty cool.

Introducing Our New Wiki! - cobalt - 08-14-2008

Wow! Great job. :thumbsup:

Introducing Our New Wiki! - Wapitikev - 08-15-2008

LOVE it, Steph.

Just a tiny edit on the welcome section.

"We are under construction" instead of "contruction"

...unless you were going for ironic on purpose.


Possible, new Interconnection for Demonsong...I just re-read Black Wind and:

The physical effects of the Choir of Chaos on all life appear to be very similar to, but far slower than, the effects of the Kuroikaze described in Black Wind and By the Sword. The Choir's song causes feelings of lethargy, hopelessness, and physical weakness in Glaeken and his mount over the course of several hours. In addition, all the vegetation in the area of effect appears as if the life was sucked from it over the course of the previous 2 years...wilted if you will...a Kuroikaze causes these same effects, only in less than a quarter of an hour. can add that one if you wish (and if no-one disagrees)


Introducing Our New Wiki! - Silverfish - 08-17-2008

Now that everyone has had a chance to look at the page, does anyone have any feedback? Wapitikev, I'm going to add your piece in right now.


Introducing Our New Wiki! - cobalt - 08-17-2008

I spent some time on the site today. Again I say.....real nice job!

Introducing Our New Wiki! - KRW - 08-17-2008

Silverfish Wrote:Now that everyone has had a chance to look at the page, does anyone have any feedback? Wapitikev, I'm going to add your piece in right now.


I wouldn't mind adding what I have, but I need to e-mail it. It's pretty big. It in no way shape or form detracts from your effort, but I think it'll complemment it. PM me and I'll give you what I have. (I could swear that last sentence is from a porno in the 70'sBig Grin)

Introducing Our New Wiki! - Silverfish - 08-17-2008

KRW Wrote:I wouldn't mind adding what I have, but I need to e-mail it. It's pretty big. It in no way shape or form detracts from your effort, but I think it'll complemment it. PM me and I'll give you what I have. (I could swear that last sentence is from a porno in the 70'sBig Grin)

Ken, I set up the Wiki pages, but I knew from the beginning that I wouldn't be able to write all those entries by myself!

I want to find a way to make it a true Wiki, where everyone can edit. I'm working on some ideas right now.

"If you build it, they will come."


Introducing Our New Wiki! - KRW - 08-17-2008

Silverfish Wrote:Ken, I set up the Wiki pages, but I knew from the beginning that I wouldn't be able to write all those entries by myself!

I want to find a way to make it a true Wiki, where everyone can edit. I'm working on some ideas right now.

"If you build it, they will come."


Look at your e-mail.Smile