'Southland Tales' Appreciation Experience - Printable Version

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'Southland Tales' Appreciation Experience - Barry Lee Dejasu - 06-30-2008

Remember Richard Kelly's (Donnie Darko) much-bashed 2006/7 film Southland Tales, with Dwayne Johnson, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and Sean William Scott? Did you see it? Did you not like it? Or are you like me and haven't seen it at all?

Well, here's something you might not have known - Richard Kelly wrote three graphic novels as prequels to the film, and they came out not long before its release. I wonder if part of the problems (mainly the confusion over the plot) that many felt the film had stemmed from just not getting the "whole" story.

I've been waiting for quite a while now for today, June 30th, 2008. You know why? Because that's when the Southland Tales story arc begins taking place. It goes from TODAY, to July 4th, 2008. I'm going to read each book and see the movie on their corresponding days, in the ultimate geek fashion, to get the whole experience that is more than a once in a lifetime one, but one-time, period. Even if I end up disliking the books and/or the movie, this is an experience that nobody will ever be able to partake in again, EVER. Anniversaries be damned - this is something special and unique.

I'm quite pumped - and if I'm the only person on the Repairman Jack Message Board (or anywhere else in the world, for that matter) who is doing this, then I'm even more honored. This is just plain fun!

*Erkel laugh and snort*

'Southland Tales' Appreciation Experience - Mick C. - 07-04-2008

I did read the books and enjoyed the movie, which I bought on DVD (I was going to see it in the (1) theater it was showing - and it got pulled before the week was up!

Definitely worth repeated viewings. Great cast.

'Southland Tales' Appreciation Experience - Automatic Jack - 07-26-2008

Took me three viewings to figure out that I really liked it. I'm posting in this thread just because I'm not likely to find many other places where people will agree with me on that. I think SL is a lot like Donnie Darko in that it makes a lot more sense when you've digested the corresponding media, not to mention all the stuff Richard Kelly reveals in his commentaries.

The wiki says he'll be working on an adaptation of Richard Matheson's short story "Button, Button" next. Interesting, vedy interesting...