Do you read your RJ books straight away? - Printable Version

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Do you read your RJ books straight away? - Chevron - 04-24-2008

I was looking among my unread books last night trying to decide what to read next, when I spotted Harbingers and Bloodline on the shelf. I'm trying desperately not to read these because I don't want to run out of RJ books - I like to keep one or two in reserve until the next comes out. I then started wondering whether other people do this, or is it just me?
I even try to wait until they come out in paperback, but this is mainly because I've received too many head injuries by falling asleep at night reading the hardbacks.

So, what do you do? Read it straight away, or try to hold out for as long as you can?


Do you read your RJ books straight away? - cobalt - 04-24-2008

I read them right away. But, I've been known to go back and re-read them as well.
Have you tried some of the other works of FPW? Black Wind and The LaNague series are a few of my favorites.

Do you read your RJ books straight away? - Ken Valentine - 04-24-2008

Chevron Wrote:So, what do you do? Read it straight away, or try to hold out for as long as you can?
I read them right away.

To me, it doesn't make much sense to wait for them to stack up before reading any of them.

I can't see any reason to wait for the 12th book to be published before reading the 9th book, or waiting for the 13th book before reading the 10th book. There's still a years wait between books, so why not read them as they come?

But that's me. If it pleases you to have unread books on hand, then continue doing it the way you do it.

As the old song goes:

Different things for different people,
That's what happiness is.

Ken V.

Do you read your RJ books straight away? - Maggers - 04-24-2008

Once I receive an FPW book I read it immediately.

I've read all of my FPW books at least 3 times each.

Do you read your RJ books straight away? - Fenian1916 - 04-24-2008

I read them ASAP. I don't think I could let an RJ book just sit unread, it would drive me crazy.

Do you read your RJ books straight away? - Schwinn160 - 04-24-2008

Give yourself twice the pleasure. Read it quickly, then, when the next one is on the way, read it again so that you're already on a "Jack-buzz" before it arrives. Smile

Do you read your RJ books straight away? - Chevron - 04-24-2008

cobalt79 Wrote:Have you tried some of the other works of FPW? Black Wind and The LaNague series are a few of my favorites.

Yes, I bought a second-hand copy of Healer a while ago and enjoyed it so much I had to get the complete LaNague series. I've got Black Wind but I only got half way through it. I bet you're gonna tell me now that the second half is the best half! Ah, well. I'll get round to reading the second half someday.


Do you read your RJ books straight away? - Wapitikev - 04-24-2008

Chevron Wrote:Yes, I bought a second-hand copy of Healer a while ago and enjoyed it so much I had to get the complete LaNague series. I've got Black Wind but I only got half way through it. I bet you're gonna tell me now that the second half is the best half! Ah, well. I'll get round to reading the second half someday.


Yup. The cosmic horror and the action really pick up in the seocnd half. Smile

Black Wind is one of my favourite Otherness titles.


Do you read your RJ books straight away? - WGB - 04-24-2008

Straight away! When I receive an R.J. book it goes to the top of the “what I must do NOW” list. Every thing else gets put on hold for the day or so it takes me to read it.

Do you read your RJ books straight away? - NickelobLight - 04-24-2008

Ken Valentine Wrote:As the old song goes:

Different things for different people,
That's what happiness is.

Ken V.

Yes, but my way is the way everyone should follow.

On a more serious the heck do you just sit and look at an unread book you've bought, Repairman Jack or not?!

I'll bet if you smoked, you could quit cold turkey, too.