X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Printable Version

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Alvin Fox - 04-10-2008

Did anyone know Ryan Reynolds was gonna be in this? He plays a mutant called Deadpool. His character is described as "a wisecracking and thoroughly insane mercenary who can heal like Wolverine."

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Schwinn160 - 04-10-2008

Aghhhh! Deadpool is GREAT! If you've seen the Blade movie (Blade:Trinity, maybe?) with Ryan in it, that's how Deadpool talks all the time. Ryan would be wonderful for it.

This link has some Deadpool quotes.

When he went through the Weapon-X program to cure him of cancer, it drove him nuts.

"SIRYN!...and Cannonballs!" -- Deadpool

"That's Cannonball you twit!-- Sam

"Really? You sure? 'cause I kinda had a healthy does of respect for you before..."
"Well, whatever you're like junior X-men, right? Mutants born with special gifts who fight to save the very world that fears them--Well SO AM I!" -- Deadpool

"You're not a mutant Wilson!" -- Sam slams Deadpool into a wall..
"And you're not an X-men" - Sam

"Well, SAMUEL, just cause you got rocket-power farting powers. I'm not gonna split hairs and i'm not gonna fight my teammates. I mean. Unless it involves terry's clothes coming off and mud or chocolate pudding or soemthing like that.." -- Deadpool

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Schwinn160 - 04-10-2008

Another good Deadpool quote:

From Deadpool fanfilm
Deadpool "Webhead! I'm digging the black threads!"
Spiderman "Um.. thanks, I thought it was appropriate"
Deadpool "I've got a PERFECT nickname for you. THE DARK KNIGHT. Wait that's terrible..."

Smile Smile Smile

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Wapitikev - 04-10-2008

AlvinFox Wrote:Did anyone know Ryan Reynolds was gonna be in this? He plays a mutant called Deadpool. His character is described as "a wisecracking and thoroughly insane mercenary who can heal like Wolverine."

Yup, knew that. As perfect a casting choice as was ever made, anywhere, anytime.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Alvin Fox - 04-11-2008

Schwinn160, those are great quotes. Really looking forward to this now. Of course there's always great movies coming out in May no matter what year.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - beowulf - 04-12-2008

Ryan Reynolds was originally supposed to star in a standalone "Deadpool" movie (DC was at one time also considering him for the Flash), I suppose this is Marvel's way of determining if there is enough interest in that project.

Don't expect Deadpool to have a big role though, the movie is chock full fo random mutant cameos

I am really looking forward to this movie!