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The Kingdom - Sigokat - 04-09-2008

I watched The Kingdom for the first time last night and I just wanted to say a few things about it...

1. Some of the cultural "dos" and don'ts" were way off. With the number of Middle Easterners in the film I would think they could have done some better research on this.

2. They elluded alot to oil which makes me think that this film was made as a subtle anti-war/anti-US government film, but I'm not entirely sure...nor do I care.

3. And most importantly the "attack" scene at the beginning and the last lines spoken by both Jaime Foxx and the young Arab jabbed at me as very real reminders of why myself and my comrades are over here, fighting. And as my eyes welled up with tears at the senseless killings during the terrorist attack my heart swelled with pride for what myself and my comrades in arms do for a living and what we've sacrificed.

If you haven't seen this movie watch it if you want, or don't. I don't really care one way or the other, but I thought I would share my thoughts about it with you all.

The Kingdom - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 04-09-2008

sigokat Wrote:I watched The Kingdom for the first time last night and I just wanted to say a few things about it...

1. Some of the cultural "dos" and don'ts" were way off. With the number of Middle Easterners in the film I would think they could have done some better research on this.

2. They elluded alot to oil which makes me think that this film was made as a subtle anti-war/anti-US government film, but I'm not entirely sure...nor do I care.

3. And most importantly the "attack" scene at the beginning and the last lines spoken by both Jaime Foxx and the young Arab jabbed at me as very real reminders of why myself and my comrades are over here, fighting. And as my eyes welled up with tears at the senseless killings during the terrorist attack my heart swelled with pride for what myself and my comrades in arms do for a living and what we've sacrificed.

If you haven't seen this movie watch it if you want, or don't. I don't really care one way or the other, but I thought I would share my thoughts about it with you all.

Good info, sig. Thanks.

And thanks so much for your service.

Please pass that thought on to your command: Thank you!

The Kingdom - Schwinn160 - 04-09-2008

Aren't ALL current war films anti-US/anti-war?

The Kingdom - Sigokat - 04-09-2008

Perhaps, but I wouldn't necessarily catagorize The Kingdom as a "war film" either.

The Kingdom - Schwinn160 - 04-09-2008

sigokat Wrote:Perhaps, but I wouldn't necessarily catagorize The Kingdom as a "war film" either.

Ahhh... I haven't seen it, but it's to be expected that anything coming from Hollywood is going to be Anti-everything good. Rolleyes

The Kingdom - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 04-09-2008

Schwinn160 Wrote:Ahhh... I haven't seen it, but it's to be expected that anything coming from Hollywood is going to be Anti-everything good. Rolleyes

But it's a pleasure to note, Ben, the anti-American flicks are, without exception, tanking at the box office.

The Kingdom - Schwinn160 - 04-10-2008

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:But it's a pleasure to note, Ben, the anti-American flicks are, without exception, tanking at the box office.

And what a pleasure it is! Big Grin

The Kingdom - bones weep tedium - 04-15-2008

I thought that this film was pretty poor when I watched it.

I did think that - despite the film's final sentiments - it was a very black vs white/goodies vs baddies type story.

I think that it was a film at odds with itself. If it wants to do a cowboys and indians story, it should be filmed in a more upbeat artifical way. As it is, it is filmed in a cool cinema verite Children Of Men style, that I think makes it over-simplifications even more obvious.

And yes, I concur 100% with Sigokat; watch it if you want, or don't watch it if you dont. I'm not your mother, I couldnt care less what time you go to bed at night. :eek: