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LOST - unanswered questions... - Maggers - 02-20-2008

I don't have the answers, but I thought it could be interesting to start a thread with all the questions you may have about LOST that haven't been answered, at least, not yet.

So, here's a few of mine. Just questions, no theories.

First, of course, what is the smoke monster?

What actually cured Locke's paralysis?

What's up with that 4-toed statue?

What made Rousseau's original crew sick, so sick that she felt she had to kill them to keep whatever it was from spreading into the world?

What or who are the whisperers?

How come Richard Alpert hasn't aged?

Where did Richard Alpert and his crew come from? How did they come to be on the Island?

Where did Michael and Walt wind up? (We'll find that out soon.)

How come Hurley hasn't lost any significant weight?

Why did little baby Aaron HAVE to born on the Island, as Claire's psychic said?

That's a beginning. What are your unanswered questions?

LOST - unanswered questions... - Barry Lee Dejasu - 02-20-2008

Not quite an answer or even (much of) a speculation, but...

...when Ben said he didn't know what the smoke creature(s) is/are, for once, I wonder if he's telling the truth. What if he DOESN'T know? I wonder if Richard and the other, um, Others know, even...

Which of course makes one wonder when they WILL get more into it.

You know, I noticed something kind of odd. When the Smoke Monster stopped in front of Mr. Eko in Season 2, and the camera (in an awesome shot) moves THROUGH it, images flash inside it...images of a church, his brother Yemi, and a bunch of other things (as seen here). Later, of course, Yemi appears to Mr. Eko shortly before he gets killed by the Smoke Monster. Later, When the Smoke Monster chased after Juliette and Kate, and stopped outside of the tree, it "took pictures" of Juliette, flashing a bright light while she stared wide-eyed at it. Could it have been doing a similar thing with her? I hope not, for her sake...

Just a few thoughts.

LOST - unanswered questions... - jimbow8 - 02-20-2008

Maggers Wrote:How come Hurley hasn't lost any significant weight?

I'm guessing that this has little or nothing to do with the plot of the show. The writers were apparently pretty upset with him (the actor) for his weight over the offseason. Of course that doesn't mean that they won't find a way to write it into the show somehow..... and seamlessly. Wink

LOST - unanswered questions... - Maggers - 02-20-2008

jimbow8 Wrote:I'm guessing that this has little or nothing to do with the plot of the show. The writers were apparently pretty upset with him (the actor) for his weight over the offseason. Of course that doesn't mean that they won't find a way to write it into the show somehow..... and seamlessly. Wink

Do you have any questions about LOST that the writers haven't answered yet, Jim?

I don't expect anyone to have answers, I'm more interested in gathering in one place all those unanswered questions.

I've got some more.

What happened to the body of Desmond's hatch mate, Kelvin?

Why was Desmond in military prison, besides being unable or unwilling to follow orders? What specifically happened that he was thrown into the brig?

LOST - unanswered questions... - Scott Hajek - 02-21-2008

Maggers Wrote:How come Hurley hasn't lost any significant weight?

Dharma Initiative Mayonnaise

Or was it the Ranch Dressing?

LOST - unanswered questions... - ccosborne3 - 02-21-2008

Scott Hajek Wrote:Dharma Initiative Mayonnaise

Or was it the Ranch Dressing?

That's not very nice at all. :p I bet the guy has some kind of glandular condition. He's not losing that weight ever.

LOST - unanswered questions... - Alvin Fox - 02-22-2008

Maggers Wrote:Why did little baby Aaron HAVE to born on the Island, as Claire's psychic said?

I could have sworn that in one of Eko's flashbacks he met up with Claire's "psychic" who claimed hiimself a fraud. Or did I imagine that? Good thing I have the DVDs. I need to go back and watch a couple episodes now.

LOST - unanswered questions... - Maggers - 02-22-2008

AlvinFox Wrote:I could have sworn that in one of Eko's flashbacks he met up with Claire's "psychic" who claimed hiimself a fraud. Or did I imagine that? Good thing I have the DVDs. I need to go back and watch a couple episodes now.

Yes, Claire's psychic did disclaim himself to Mr. Eko, but he was, in true LOST fashion, dead on right about forcing Claire to take Oceanic 815 and no other flight because she HAD to be the person to raise her child. He said, and I saw this episode just the other day, that danger surrounds her child if she is not the person to raise the baby.

As I watched that episode again, I wondered if anyone else besides the psychic was behind his insistence that Claire take that flight. He gave her tickets and traveling money, but he didn't seem wealthy enough to give away that kind of dough. He called her day and night until she caved in and took the tickets and the money.

What is so important about little Aaron that he had to be born on that Island. Does birth on the Island imbue one with exceptional qualities or abilities?

At the time of that episode, I was thinking of harm coming to Aaron only from the Others. That certainly was true. But now what about Kate? What's going to happen to little Aaron now that he is in the clutches of Kate? And yes, I've begun to think of Kate in terms of "clutches." I don't trust her anymore.

LOST - unanswered questions... - Maggers - 02-22-2008

ccosborne3 Wrote:That's not very nice at all. :p I bet the guy has some kind of glandular condition. He's not losing that weight ever.

On last night's episode, when Jack was testifying on behalf of Kate, they mentioned starvation a couple of times - Kate saved them from starvation. If that's the case, how do they account for Hurley returning from the crash and starvation being as large as he is?

LOST - unanswered questions... - jimbow8 - 02-22-2008

Maggers Wrote:On last night's episode, when Jack was testifying on behalf of Kate, they mentioned starvation a couple of times - Kate saved them from starvation. If that's the case, how do they account for Hurley returning from the crash and starvation being as large as he is?

Maybe Hurley ate the other two survivors!

Oh, no I didn't just go there!!!! :p Big Grin