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Breaking Bad? - GeraldRice - 01-18-2008

Anyone see the preview to this one? Bryan Cranston stars and he seems to be a guy whose had some kind of mid-life crisis and goes on a TREMENDOUS crime spree. In the preview he's recorded himself on a video camera telling his family that "it's not what you think" in relation to what they must be hearing about him on the news and that the police shouldn't take the video as a confession. It seems interesting to say the least.

Breaking Bad? - Scott Miller - 04-16-2010

GeraldRice Wrote:Anyone see the preview to this one? Bryan Cranston stars and he seems to be a guy whose had some kind of mid-life crisis and goes on a TREMENDOUS crime spree. In the preview he's recorded himself on a video camera telling his family that "it's not what you think" in relation to what they must be hearing about him on the news and that the police shouldn't take the video as a confession. It seems interesting to say the least.

I watched the premiere episode last night and all I can say is WOW! Definitely one of the best premieres I've seen; it grabs you by the cajones immediately. It's not quite what you predicted but close. I'm curious to see how they'll be able to sustain the tension for the remainder of the season(hoping they can though). Bryan Cranston was great in it.

Breaking Bad? - The Mad American - 04-16-2010

Scott Miller Wrote:I watched the premiere episode last night and all I can say is WOW! Definitely one of the best premieres I've seen; it grabs you by the cajones immediately. It's not quite what you predicted but close. I'm curious to see how they'll be able to sustain the tension for the remainder of the season(hoping they can though). Bryan Cranston was great in it.

I have just recently been introduced to this series as well and I agree, it is really well done. Cranston makes it in my opinion. They had a marathon of last season on AMC a couple weeks ago, I DVR'ed it and am working my way through it now when I have time to sit down and watch an episode.

Breaking Bad? - Scott Miller - 04-16-2010

The Mad American Wrote:I have just recently been introduced to this series as well and I agree, it is really well done. Cranston makes it in my opinion. They had a marathon of last season on AMC a couple weeks ago, I DVR'ed it and am working my way through it now when I have time to sit down and watch an episode.

I'm planning on watching a few episodes this weekend as we are supposedly going to be getting rain the next two days.

Breaking Bad? - colburn0004 - 04-16-2010

I really enjoy this series and think the combination of the characters together really make the show especcially Cranston and the younger guy together. This season I don't think has been as good as the last two so far but I still enjoy it. But man do I hate Skyler. Smile

Breaking Bad? - Scott Miller - 04-16-2010

colburn0004 Wrote:I really enjoy this series and think the combination of the characters together really make the show especcially Cranston and the younger guy together. This season I don't think has been as good as the last two so far but I still enjoy it. But man do I hate Skyler. Smile

It was on your recommendation that I picked it up so thanks. I can't see how that can keep it going for much more than a season with destroying its credibility but I'll go along for the ride as long as its good.

Did you watch Treme? I'm pretty sure it premiered the other night.

Breaking Bad? - colburn0004 - 04-16-2010

Scott Miller Wrote:It was on your recommendation that I picked it up so thanks. I can't see how that can keep it going for much more than a season with destroying its credibility but I'll go along for the ride as long as its good.

Did you watch Treme? I'm pretty sure it premiered the other night.

You're welcome, and I just watched Treme yesterday. I really enjoyed it, I liked the music and set up of the show. It seems to start a lot like The Wire, not really worrying too much about the details or anything right now just sort of drops you in this world and lets you get aquainted(sp?) with it. Interesting to hear that only a day after the premiere HBO picked it up for a second season already, so it shows confidence in what they have seen in the show at least so far.

Breaking Bad? - Scott Miller - 04-16-2010

colburn0004 Wrote:You're welcome, and I just watched Treme yesterday. I really enjoyed it, I liked the music and set up of the show. It seems to start a lot like The Wire, not really worrying too much about the details or anything right now just sort of drops you in this world and lets you get aquainted(sp?) with it. Interesting to hear that only a day after the premiere HBO picked it up for a second season already, so it shows confidence in what they have seen in the show at least so far.

Are there places to watch HBO on line? Otherwise I'll be waiting until I can see them on DVD in a couple of years.

Anyone watching The Pacific? I thought Band Of Brothers was fantastic so I figured that it would be close to the same caliber.

Breaking Bad? - GeraldRice - 04-20-2010

I want to see The Pacific and I should catch it on Demand while it's available. I completely missed the premier of Treme, but I'll definitely catch up with that. I have to finish The Wire, though. I have 6 episodes left and Omar is an awesome escape artist.

Breaking Bad? - Scott Miller - 04-26-2010

I just watched the final episode of Season 1; definitely looking forward to the second season. It's an excellent series but I'd say not for everyone. Walt is sympathetic, but I'm not sure people will be able to follow him down the crystal meth hole he dives into and the cancer scenes are simply heartbreaking-as someone who has lost two members of my family to the disease it was almost more than I could bear. I'm glad I persevered because the acting is universally good and the writing is simply fantastic.

I absolutely love the humor the show manages to wring out of the most unlikely scenarios-the talking pillow scene is one the funniest, poignant moments I've ever seen.