The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - Printable Version

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The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - Sigokat - 12-08-2007

Ok so I was reading more of The Keep last night (up to page 264) and I finally discovered how its "where it all begins".


I picked up on the Glaeken name immediately and I remember that name from one of the early RJ stories (can't remember which). So as I was getting ready for work this morning I realized that Molasar was Rasalom spelled backwards. (Don't know why it took me so long to figure that out once Molasar appeared.) I assume the red-haired man is Glaeken (I could be wrong), but its obvious that he is just as old as Molasar.

So my question is should I bother finishing the book? Yes it is very interesting and I'm sure I will finish it, but the surprise is now gone. I had figured that Molasar would somehow be defeated, but I see now that must not be the case. I will admit though that Molasar is the most interesting character in the whole story...perhaps that is why I am drawn to the concept of The Otherness so much. Also The Keep is suspenseful and it kept me up late reading for a couple nights now, but I don't see how it is "so scary". But that could just be me since I don't really get scared of anything anymore.

Honestly I was hoping that Molasar would be victorious over all...I'm tired off "feel good" stories and I hope I am right in this case.

The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - Silverfish - 12-08-2007

I would keep reading to the end. There is a very important (battle*) scene at the end where some important information is revealed that ties into the return of Glaeken in the RJ novels. I really can't say more without revealing too much. I think it's important to finish.

*I added "battle" because I think it's obvious that the two characters will need to end the conflict started in some way.

PM me if clarifiactions required.


The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - Dave - 12-08-2007

You should also keep in mind that there are other books in The Adversary Cycle that deal with Rasalom post The Keep, so take nothing for granted.


The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - Maggers - 12-08-2007

Dave take nothing for granted.


That is so true, Dave. Over the 25+ years that I've been reading F. Paul Wilson, I've learned that I have NEVER been able to second guess him. I may think I've got something figured out, but then the story takes a turn I never saw coming but that makes perfect sense in FPW's "Other world."

Nuh-uh. FPW has always kept me on my toes.

The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - phoenix rising - 12-08-2007

Maggers Wrote:That is so true, Dave. Over the 25+ years that I've been reading F. Paul Wilson, I've learned that I have NEVER been able to second guess him. I may think I've got something figured out, but then the story takes a turn I never saw coming but that makes perfect sense in FPW's "Other world."

Nuh-uh. FPW has always kept me on my toes.

Oh so true, you simply must finish The Keep and then get all of the other Adversary Cycle books to see where the story goes, that is after all where RJ was first introduced to the literary world.

The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - Sigokat - 12-08-2007

Yes, I will finish the book. I in no way meant to imply that I had "second guessed" the literay genius of FPW. It was just that when all the pieces came together for me I was torn in two directions. Like I said, to see Molasar destroyed would have been nice (hell it may still happen...I don't know Big Grin ) but on the other hand I was somewhat relieved to see that Molasar was Rasalom and that he could continue on. What's more important for me is to see the Nazis destroyed. While I secretly cheer for Molasar there is some forces of evil that I simply cannot tolerate and The Nazis of course are one of those forces.

Perhaps it would have been more of a surprise if I had discovered The Keep before I was introduced to the RJ series.

I guess once I finish this I will have to research the Advesary Cycle and figure out my next steps.

OK well time to go smoke then back to The Keep.

The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - dejo - 12-08-2007

sigokat Wrote:I picked up on the Glaeken name immediately and I remember that name from one of the early RJ stories (can't remember which).
Any one care to fill in this blank? I can't remember Glaeken being specifically mentioned in any of the RJ novels.

The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - Sigokat - 12-08-2007



It must have been one of the first 3 novels since I read those a number of years ago and then just rediscovered RJ about 1 1/2 years ago while I was in Iraq. I would swear on my life I had heard the name from RJ, but if not there then where else could I have read it and known who Glaeken was and that he was The Ally's Champion? :confused: Seriously, now you have me wondering.

Ok as to the rest. I just finished the book. Stayed up later then I wanted, now my back is killing me, I'm tired and honestly...I don't really know what to say. I enjoyed the book immensely, yet I was a little let down, but I'm not exactly sure why. I think it may be due to some confusion since I've already read a fair number of RJ novels. I know Glaeken is weakening (dying from old age...whatever), hence Jack being chosen as the next champion, but if Rasalom was truly slain in The Keep then how does he return? I think that is where my confusion and discomfort lies. I didn't bring my copy of The Tomb with me this time so I guess I will order another one, re-read it to get "caught up" again, and then donate it to the library...maybe convert someone else to RJ.

I still don't know...I think I'm going to sleep on it and figure out more in the morning.

The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - SickThing - 12-08-2007

Glaeken is mention in Crisscross....

The Keep - Where it all begins? SPOILERS - Dave F - 12-08-2007

sigokat Wrote:SPOILERS

Ok as to the rest. I just finished the book. Stayed up later then I wanted, now my back is killing me, I'm tired and honestly...I don't really know what to say. I enjoyed the book immensely, yet I was a little let down, but I'm not exactly sure why. I think it may be due to some confusion since I've already read a fair number of RJ novels. I know Glaeken is weakening (dying from old age...whatever), hence Jack being chosen as the next champion, but if Rasalom was truly slain in The Keep then how does he return? I think that is where my confusion and discomfort lies. I didn't bring my copy of The Tomb with me this time so I guess I will order another one, re-read it to get "caught up" again, and then donate it to the library...maybe convert someone else to RJ.

Stick with the Adversary cycle & many of your questions will be answered

The big decision is whether to read Nightworld, as this comes after the current novels

However I would recomend the rest, you will find some interesting tie ins to the recent RJ books as well as

Reprisal is one of my favorite FPW books and has strong ties to Haunted Air

