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The Golden Compass - Dave F - 12-01-2007

Another YA book series that made the cross over to adult fiction, and now a movie

I think it looks pretty impressive

I read the book a while back and enjoyed it

Not sure when it gets a US release, but out here next week

The Golden Compass - Kenji - 12-01-2007

Here in Japan, we can see it in next March!

I'm looking forward to it. I like Nicole Kidman! Big Grin

The Golden Compass - IanSF - 12-04-2007

I always meant to try Philip Pullman and since this film has come about I went out and bought Northern Lights. I might even catch the movie.

The Golden Compass - XiaoYu - 12-08-2007

I've been impressed by the amount of controversy this movie's stirred up. It's almost like Harry Potter all over again.

The Golden Compass - phoenix rising - 12-08-2007

XiaoYu Wrote:I've been impressed by the amount of controversy this movie's stirred up. It's almost like Harry Potter all over again.
Yeah and I'm getting all the conspiracy e-mails about it trying to pass on atheistic views to our young children and so forth. (never knew religious fanatics were so paranoid)

The Golden Compass - Weatherford - 12-08-2007

Well, I am in the middle of the books, and frankly, don't see anything great about them. Too much "hidden agenda" for my taste (that is political agendas - from nuclear bomb to global warming, etc - all hidden, but all happening in those parallel universes.) BLECH!!!

Disappointing and I will not see the movie til it is out on DVD (if then)...


The Golden Compass - Barry Lee Dejasu - 12-09-2007

Weatherford Wrote:Too much "hidden agenda" for my taste (that is political agendas - from nuclear bomb to global warming, etc - all hidden, but all happening in those parallel universes.) BLECH!!!

That's too bad - those are the very things I liked about the book.

And just what is this "Blech!!!" of which you speak? Wink

The Golden Compass - Kenji - 03-01-2008

Yesterday I saw The Golden Compass in a theatre.

It was fan-tas-tic! I enjoyed it. Big Grin

The Golden Compass - Sigokat - 12-20-2008

I just watched The Golden Compass for the second time last night (first time was on an airplane last May) and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

I did not know it was based on a trilogy of books the first time I watched it, so I was a little disappointed at the ubrupt ending (reminded me on the first time I watched The Fellowship of the Ring) but it did not detrack from the movie overall.

I think if you watch it for what it is, a fantasy movie, and not as either 1. A movie with a hidden religious or political agenda or 2. A constant comparison to the books, it is very enjoyable.

The special effects were great and the story line was pretty good as well. Overall, I would watch it again.

I want my own daemon. He'd be an otter. Wink

The Golden Compass - Silverfish - 12-21-2008

After reading the books, I did not enjoy the movie, because it was so different (convoluted). I'm glad to know that someone enjoyed the movie. The effects were fairly well done. I especially enjoyed the scene where [SPOILER]the bears fought.[/SPOILER]
