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Torture Porn - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 11-07-2007

Gang, I'm the first to admit there's a lot I just =don't get.= I know it's good, I know it's weathered the test of time... But I just don't =get= it. Opera comes to mind. Hip-hop too. And let's not forget Jane Austen novels.Rolleyes

Likewise torture porn. Can someone please explain its appeal?

Maybe I'm weak, but I just can't bear the thought of women being hurt. I think our job as men is to =protect= women. Not to watch a film where they're in helpless agony, weeping, screaming, begging for rescue that won't come. The idea sickens me. I find it literally nauseating.

What am I missing?

Torture Porn - Scott Miller - 11-07-2007

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Gang, I'm the first to admit there's a lot I just =don't get.= I know it's good, I know it's weathered the test of time... But I just don't =get= it. Opera comes to mind. Hip-hop too. And let's not forget Jane Austen novels.Rolleyes

Likewise torture porn. Can someone please explain its appeal?

Maybe I'm weak, but I just can't bear the thought of women being hurt. I think our job as men is to =protect= women. Not watching a film where they're in helpless agony and screaming for rescue. The idea sickens me.

What am I missing?

Besides a clue :p , nothing. I'll second your ponderance, what is the appeal?

Torture Porn - ccosborne3 - 11-07-2007

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:What am I missing?

Y chromosome? Wink

Torture Porn - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 11-07-2007

ccosborne3 Wrote:Y chromosome? Wink

Naw, I got them in plentitude. Since I was a baby. Even as a really little guy, before I was told...I knew we didn't hit girls.

Torture Porn - cobalt - 11-07-2007

Ah Blues.....what you have......the depraved do not. A conscience and a sense of what is right and what is wrong. Mighty important items, no?

P.S. It's Wednesday....not your usual day. You bored?

Torture Porn - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 11-07-2007

cobalt79 Wrote:Ah Blues.....what you have......the depraved do not. A conscience and a sense of what is right and what is wrong. Mighty important items, no?

P.S. It's Wednesday....not your usual day. You bored?

Well, I gotta take 2 vacation days..."use 'em or lose 'em." Bored? Yeah, maybe...though it's amazing how an hombre with four thousand books and two thousand CDs of every type of music, and a pen and paper, could =possibly= be bored.:confused: See Colin Wilson on this. But I guess I'm really avoiding the chore of picking books to give away. I have to, I need room for new ones. But...but...I love them all! Might =need= them someday!:eek:

Torture Porn - cobalt - 11-07-2007

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Well, I gotta take 2 vacation days..."use 'em or lose 'em." Bored? Yeah, maybe...though it's amazing how an hombre with four thousand books and two thousand CDs of every type of music, and a pen and paper, could =possibly= be bored.:confused: See Colin Wilson on this. But I guess I'm really avoiding the chore of picking books to give away. I have to, I need room for new ones. But...but...I love them all! Might =need= them someday!:eek:
Ah, that explains it. Enjoy your time off from work. 'Night Bluesman, be well!


Torture Porn - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 11-07-2007

Scott Miller Wrote:Besides a clue :p , nothing. I'll second your ponderance, what is the appeal?

I don't know, Scott, I haven't a clue. Who lays their coin down to see it? Who could possibly =enjoy= it? A big audience--it's being made, and SAW 4 received fairly good reviews in the NYV tabloids. I just don't understand the appeal.

Torture Porn - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 11-07-2007

cobalt79 Wrote:Ah, that explains it. Enjoy your time off from work. 'Night Bluesman, be well!


Torture Porn - Noelie - 11-07-2007

I don't know. A lot of people find them scary. I personally find the *premise* of them scary, like Saw, but I find the graphic violence off-putting. I'm not even sure that Saw qualifies as torture porn, actually, but Hostel sure does. I watched it with my brother and spent half the movie with my hands over my eyes. :\