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at the bookstore... - Sigokat - 02-17-2007

I just got back to FT Gordon, GA this past weekend and I took a trip out to the local Barnes and Nobles. So, I decided to look for the next RMJ novels that I would need to continue the series and as I looked through the shelves I found ATR and The Haunted Air, which are the 2 I just finished, but not the next 2 that I would need. Well, for some reason I decided to look behind the books on the shelves and there I found even more RMJ novels, including the next 2 that I needed (can't remember the titles...sorry FPW).

If I hadn't of looked behind the other books, I would have never found what I was looking for. I know they must do this because of overstock, but wouldn't it be smarter to bookend and least 1 copy of each title, instead of numeorus coppies of the same title? Anyone else notice this trend in bookstores?

Since I haven't been to a real bookstore in 3 1/2 years I was somewhat perplexed by this practice.

Well, I have them now, but I just started Dean Koontz's The Husband, so I will have to wait on the RMJ stuff.

at the bookstore... - webby - 02-18-2007

It's been quite a few years, but when I worked for B & N this was not an acceptable way to shelve books!

The store I worked in had a basement storage area for overstock and maybe your local B & N doesn't have something like that, but still. Sounds to me like somebody was just being lazy, not wanting to slide books around on all the adjacent shelves to make room for new titles.

Glad you managed to find what you were looking for anyway.

at the bookstore... - ccosborne3 - 02-18-2007

At Borders they have a computer and you can look up what the store has in stock right there without having to ask for help. Smile

at the bookstore... - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 02-18-2007

sigokat Wrote:I just got back to FT Gordon, GA this past weekend and I took a trip out to the local Barnes and Nobles. So, I decided to look for the next RMJ novels that I would need to continue the series and as I looked through the shelves I found ATR and The Haunted Air, which are the 2 I just finished, but not the next 2 that I would need. Well, for some reason I decided to look behind the books on the shelves and there I found even more RMJ novels, including the next 2 that I needed (can't remember the titles...sorry FPW).

If I hadn't of looked behind the other books, I would have never found what I was looking for. I know they must do this because of overstock, but wouldn't it be smarter to bookend and least 1 copy of each title, instead of numeorus coppies of the same title? Anyone else notice this trend in bookstores?

Since I haven't been to a real bookstore in 3 1/2 years I was somewhat perplexed by this practice.

Well, I have them now, but I just started Dean Koontz's The Husband, so I will have to wait on the RMJ stuff.

Sig, any of Paul's books I can get, just give me your mailing address, and I'll send them to you.

Least I can do for an American fighting man.