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LOST Tonight!! - Medusa - 02-07-2007

LOST starts up again tonight! I can't wait!!!

LOST Tonight!! - Maggers - 02-07-2007

Medusa Wrote:LOST starts up again tonight! I can't wait!!!

I know! 2 hours, first catching up and the second all new. CANNOT WAIT!

LOST Tonight!! - ccosborne3 - 02-07-2007

I've got to get up at 2:30 am to head out on a ten day trip to Quebec. Its either skip Lost or get 3 1/2 hours of sleep. Not that it would be 3 1/2. I'd probably spend two hours of it looking at the clock dreading the arrival of 2:30 am.

I might have to skip it and just watch it when I get back. Sad

LOST Tonight!! - Maggers - 02-07-2007

ccosborne3 Wrote:I've got to get up at 2:30 am to head out on a ten day trip to Quebec. Its either skip Lost or get 3 1/2 hours of sleep. Not that it would be 3 1/2. I'd probably spend two hours of it looking at the clock dreading the arrival of 2:30 am.

I might have to skip it and just watch it when I get back. Sad

Oooh, too bad. Well, stay warm in chilly Canada.

LOST Tonight!! - jimbow8 - 02-07-2007

There's a good preview at (on the right)

I can't wait.

LOST Tonight!! - GunslingerAW - 02-07-2007

According to Entertainment Weekly it is supposed to be one hell of and episode. They said it would have Juillet's back story, some creepy Dharma experiments, and it is supposed to tell how the other's got on the Island or something. Can't wait.

LOST Tonight!! - cobalt - 02-07-2007

Lost tonight....can't wait! [ATTACHMENT NOT FOUND]

LOST Tonight!! - ccosborne3 - 02-07-2007

Maggers Wrote:Oooh, too bad. Well, stay warm in chilly Canada.

I used my little conundrum as an excuse to go out and buy a Slingbox.Big Grin I've wanted one for awhile. I'm gonna DVR Lost tonight and then I can watch it on my laptop at the hotel tommorrow and not have to wait the full ten days.

I love technology!

LOST Tonight!! - Maggers - 02-08-2007

Woo hoo! What an episode! Dharma is one nasty m-f***ing organization. Love that bus scene.

LOST is back!

LOST Tonight!! - Medusa - 02-08-2007

Oh Man! I can't watch it until Friday night! I just got home from my other job and tomorrow night is my son's high school parent orientation. But my husband burned it to DVD for me!