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For the recidivist in all of us - Maggers - 07-13-2006

What movie have you watched repeatedly, for whatever reason? It could be a guilty pleasure, could be because you love it to death, or it's just so bad you can't not watch it.

For me it's Michael Mann's "Last of the Mohicans." It's my favorite movie, PS period. I cry like a fool every time. I've seen it about 13 times so far.

For the recidivist in all of us - webby - 07-13-2006

I have three:

The Princess Bride, because it just never stops being funny.

Office Space - same thing, it's funny every time.

Lonesome Dove, the mini-series with Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones. But I have to set aside a huge block of time for it, because I have to watch the entire thing. That's the one that makes me cry like a fool every time. Smile

For the recidivist in all of us - jimbow8 - 07-13-2006

webby Wrote:I have three:

The Princess Bride, because it just never stops being funny.

Office Space - same thing, it's funny every time.

Lonesome Dove, the mini-series with Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones. But I have to set aside a huge block of time for it, because I have to watch the entire thing. That's the one that makes me cry like a fool every time. Smile
I was going to say Office Space (I just watched it again the other day), but I would have to list a LOT of my DVDs then. That's the main criteria for me in buying a DVD - rewatchability. Other examples (though I go through phases): The Holy Grail, Die Hard, A Christmas Story, Payback, .... I could go on and on...... Just look HERE

For the recidivist in all of us - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 07-13-2006

Maggers Wrote:What movie have you watched repeatedly, for whatever reason? It could be a guilty pleasure, could be because you love it to death, or it's just so bad you can't not watch it.

For me it's Michael Mann's "Last of the Mohicans." It's my favorite movie, PS period. I cry like a fool every time. I've seen it about 13 times so far.

I'll go with a channel 13 flick I first saw in 1969, now available on DVD: THE CEREMONY OF INNOCENCE, starring Richard Kiley. It's essentially a filmed stage play, but it is =perfect.= Trust me on this, gang. If you get it, watch it, and don't like it, I will refund your money personal-like.

For the recidivist in all of us - jimbow8 - 07-13-2006

The Lords of Discipline

For the recidivist in all of us - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 07-13-2006

webby Wrote:I have three:

The Princess Bride, because it just never stops being funny.

Office Space - same thing, it's funny every time.

Lonesome Dove, the mini-series with Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones. But I have to set aside a huge block of time for it, because I have to watch the entire thing. That's the one that makes me cry like a fool every time. Smile

Have you read the novel PRINCESS BRIDE, Webby? As great as the flick is, I think the book's better yet. I did supersonic backflips at the line, "I'm not left-handed either."

For the recidivist in all of us - webby - 07-13-2006

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Have you read the novel PRINCESS BRIDE, Webby? As great as the flick is, I think the book's better yet. I did supersonic backflips at the line, "I'm not left-handed either."

Yep, I've read it and have a copy for re-reads. Smile It is a bit more textured than the movie, but the movie is a rare example of one that holds true to the spirit and nearly the letter of the book.

My favorite subtle humor is the "lightning sand" in the Fire Swamp. Not just quick sand, mind you, but lightning sand. Big Grin

And..."Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"...well, dialog just doesn't get much better than that. Wink

For the recidivist in all of us - Medusa - 07-13-2006

webby Wrote:I have three:

The Princess Bride, because it just never stops being funny.

Office Space - same thing, it's funny every time.

Lonesome Dove, the mini-series with Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones. But I have to set aside a huge block of time for it, because I have to watch the entire thing. That's the one that makes me cry like a fool every time. Smile
We're with you on The Princess Bride. We've seen it so many times, we have all the words memorized.

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you kill my father. Prepare to die!"

And the very famous: "Marriage!" (Pronounced Mawwig!)

For the recidivist in all of us - webby - 07-13-2006

Medusa Wrote:We're with you on The Princess Bride. We've seen it so many times, we have all the words memorized.

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you kill my father. Prepare to die!"

And the very famous: "Marriage!" (Pronounced Mawwig!)

"Wuv, twoo wuv" Big Grin

For the recidivist in all of us - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 07-14-2006

webby Wrote:Yep, I've read it and have a copy for re-reads. Smile It is a bit more textured than the movie, but the movie is a rare example of one that holds true to the spirit and nearly the letter of the book.

My favorite subtle humor is the "lightning sand" in the Fire Swamp. Not just quick sand, mind you, but lightning sand. Big Grin

And..."Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"...well, dialog just doesn't get much better than that. Wink

Didn't Goldman write the screenplay?