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What was your first? - webby - 07-10-2006

This may already be a thread somewhere but the search won't look for the word "first", so what the heck, I'll start a fresh thread even if there is one out there in the past. I've thought of doing this before but tonight I was inspired by the stories on the Keep Game thread, so...

What was your first FPW or Repairman Jack? How did it all start for you?

My story is that I was in a "dollar" store - the modern equivalent of the five and dime - picking up some odds & ends and I saw a book rack, which will always make me pause. I looked at what was there and much of it looked like pure drivel, but one paperback caught my eye and the description sounded pretty interesting. Yep - it was Repairman Jack, specifically The Tomb. I bought it for $1.00. Smile

After reading it and absolutely loving it, I started looking specifically for Repairman Jack books. Once I'd caught up with those, I hunted online until I found copies of the whole AC. Then other FPW books.

I still have a few non-AC books to find, but what a great adventure it has been so far -- and what a thrill to find all the great people on this board too!

Big Grin

What was your first? - neotank - 07-10-2006

My twin bro got me hooked on FPW. We went to Borders one day and he told me to get Legacies and then he bought Conspiracies , and then we traded them back and forth.

Well I remember theinking Legacies was tremendous. I couldn't believe Conspiracies was even better.

I didn't read the Tomb until recently. Kinda out of whack a bit.

What was your first? - jimbow8 - 07-10-2006

webby Wrote:What was your first FPW or Repairman Jack? How did it all start for you?
I read the Adversary Cycle in order, probably shortly after Night World was published in paperback (don't remember date for sure). I was one of the lucky ones who was left hanging as to the fate of Jack after his adventures with the Rakoshi. I've always thought that the ending of The Tomb made it a superior book and that those who already knew of his fate (having read subsequent books before reading The Tomb and knowing that Jack survived) missed out on a little something.

What was your first? - Ken Valentine - 07-10-2006

webby Wrote:What was your first FPW or Repairman Jack? How did it all start for you?

You know . . . it was so long ago, I'm really not sure.

I do remember however, that when my wife and I were heavily into sailing, we picked up THE KEEP at the general store book exchange on Catalina. (I think we found THE TOMB there also.) I found NIGHTWORLD at a second hand book shop in Wrightwood, and I remember a reference to "Wilson's An Enemy Of The State" in Neil Smith's novel TOM PAINE MARU.

After that, I went to B.Dalton Books and wrote a list of all FPW's works that were on their computer. Then the hunt really began. I didn't find a copy of REPRISAL until I got onto the web and discovered

Ken V.

What was your first? - Amon - 07-10-2006

I got The Keep recommended to me by my pops. Read it, loved it, and proceeded to go through the Adversary Cycle in order. Afterwards, I copped Legacies after hearing about it, and have since read every RJ novel in order.

Sometime in between Hosts and The Haunted Air, I read Sibs. Then, sometime in between The Haunted Air and Gateways, I read Implant. Recently, last fall, I read Sims.

That's my FPW history so far.

What was your first? - KRW - 07-10-2006

It was a rough time in my life. My dad moved to Arizona and when the summer arrived I was shipped off to him. He made a lot of sacrifices for me to live with him that summer. He couldn't even afford a t.v.! Fourtunatly, he had some Louis L'Amoure books that peaked my re-interest in reading. When I finished these, we went to a used book store to buy more. Low and behold, I found two books By FPW. "The Keep" and "The Tomb". I read "The Keep" first and thought it was pretty good. I read "The Tomb", and was blown away! Now, this was back in "87", and I thought that was the end of Jack. Now fastforward to "03". I finaly have the internet. I finished rereading "The Tomb", and since FPW was on my mind, I did a search. Hot damn, Jacks' back!!!! I bought A few over the internet, and at the end of these books I notice "". Curiosity got the better of me. I checked it out, and sure enough, Jim was posting crazy talk! So I logged on just to make his life miserable!Big Grin Big Grin


What was your first? - jimbow8 - 07-11-2006

KRW Wrote:I checked it out, and sure enough, Jim was posting crazy talk! So I logged on just to make his life miserable!Big Grin Big Grin

Is that what happened to my sanity and happiness?!?!? I always wondered... :p Wink

What was your first? - Jay #1 - 07-11-2006

The tomb. And it wasn't until I was halfway into the rest that I found out that The Keep had something to do with the same world.

What was your first? - Biggles - 07-11-2006

webby Wrote:This may already be a thread somewhere but the search won't look for the word "first", so what the heck, I'll start a fresh thread even if there is one out there in the past. I've thought of doing this before but tonight I was inspired by the stories on the Keep Game thread, so...

What was your first FPW or Repairman Jack? How did it all start for you?

My story is that I was in a "dollar" store - the modern equivalent of the five and dime - picking up some odds & ends and I saw a book rack, which will always make me pause. I looked at what was there and much of it looked like pure drivel, but one paperback caught my eye and the description sounded pretty interesting. Yep - it was Repairman Jack, specifically The Tomb. I bought it for $1.00. Smile

After reading it and absolutely loving it, I started looking specifically for Repairman Jack books. Once I'd caught up with those, I hunted online until I found copies of the whole AC. Then other FPW books.

I still have a few non-AC books to find, but what a great adventure it has been so far -- and what a thrill to find all the great people on this board too!

Big Grin

I read The Keep when it first came out in paperback (whenever that was). Then I read each of the AC in order in paperback before any of Paul's other stuff. When Legacies came out in hardcover, I became a collector. The rest is history--now I'm part of "The Cult". Pass the Kool-Aid (root beer, please).

What was your first? - DaveStrorm - 07-11-2006

Biggles Wrote:I read The Keep when it first came out in paperback (whenever that was). Then I read each of the AC in order in paperback before any of Paul's other stuff. When Legacies came out in hardcover, I became a collector. The rest is history--now I'm part of "The Cult". Pass the Kool-Aid (root beer, please).

That's pretty much my story also. Although I did buy THE LANAGUE CHRONICLES in paperbook and read it before Legacies was published. I distinctly remember the first time I saw the cover of Reborn and realized that FINALLY I was going to be reading a sequel to The Keep. I sure had no idea then what I was about to get myself into. Big Grin