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Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Kenji - 07-09-2005

Me and my friends debated about Star Wars and Star Trek. My friends are almost Star Wars fan. They've never seen Star Trek before(even the next generation!). Nevertheless, they said "dislike" Rolleyes .

At last, yesterday, Revenge of Sith was released in Japan! Big Grin This morning, my friend called me, and he said "Hey, now I'm going to theater for Star Wars. How about you? You are not coming?". But I dislike crowded theater, so I refused his offer. I have a schedule to go to see it Tuesday.

Well, maybe their comparison is stupid. I like both of them. Star Wars is "wars", Star Trek is "adventure". But basically, they are SF. I like SF movies.

How about you? Which do you like? Star Wars? Star Trek? Or both of them? Smile

Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Marc - 07-10-2005

Kenji Wrote:How about you? Which do you like? Star Wars? Star Trek? Or both of them? Smile

I enjoy both but the last few Trek movies have been pretty week. Can't say I like one over the other since I like them for different reasons.

Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Jay #1 - 07-10-2005

I like the Captain Kirk better than I like the ones after.

Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Blake - 07-10-2005

I like both, but I'm definitely more of a Star Wars guy. They're so different, though, that I don't really understand why people compare them so much. In oversimplified terms, one's science fiction while the other is fantasy (or "space opera" as it has sometimes been called).

Let us know what you think of Revenge of the Sith, Kenji.


Star Wars vs. Star Trek - rudegirl337 - 07-10-2005

Kenji Wrote:How about you? Which do you like? Star Wars? Star Trek? Or both of them? Smile

Though I like Star Trek, if I had to choose, I'd pick Star Wars any day. Star Wars is the mythology of my generation. I was 5 when I saw the original Star Wars (my first movie in the theatre), and I have been hooked ever since. My only complaint about Revenge of the Sith is that it is the last. There are no more sequels (or prequels) to anticipate.

Enjoy the show. Hopefully you'll have an un-crowded theatre.

Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Kenji - 07-10-2005

rudegirl337 Wrote:Though I like Star Trek, if I had to choose, I'd pick Star Wars any day. Star Wars is the mythology of my generation. I was 5 when I saw the original Star Wars (my first movie in the theatre), and I have been hooked ever since. My only complaint about Revenge of the Sith is that it is the last. There are no more sequels (or prequels) to anticipate.

I was 8 when I saw A New Hope in theater, and at the same time, I watched TOS on TV(rerun). That's my memories. I loved both of them.

According to Lucas, he has intention to make TV series and animation... Rolleyes

Quote:Enjoy the show. Hopefully you'll have an un-crowded theatre.

Thanks. In Japan, opening day box office was about 800 million yen($7,692,300). This is new record. Cool

Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Maggers - 07-10-2005

My emotional attachment is to the "Star Trek" series, though I don't know much about the later shows. I'm nutsy about the original with William Shatner - had a huge crush on him in high school when the show first aired on TV.

As far as the movies go, well, I guess I'd have to give "Star Wars" a bigger thumbs up, if only for innovative special effects. The story has never grabbed me, throughout the entire series of movies, however many there were.

I still love "Star Trek: the Wrath of Kahn," with a ridiculously buff and hot Ricardo Montalban. Best of the bunch. Earworms!!!!!

Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Lisa - 07-10-2005

Gahh, those earworms freak me out every time. My poor Chekov. Sad

I love both Star Wars and Star Trek and grew up with both. I do agree they are very different so it's hard to choose a favorite.


Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Medusa - 07-10-2005

I like both. Although I never could get into the Star Trek Voyager series. And I thought the Star Wars Return of the Jedi has too much "stuffed animals" in it with all the Ewoks.

Star Wars vs. Star Trek - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 07-10-2005

Roast me over a slow Klingon fire if you will, gang, but I can't see any comparison between STAR TREK and STAR WARS. STAR WARS was a cartoon version of sf for people who didn't know and didn't care about sf. The original TREK had some of the finest sf writers on our little blue world (Sturgeon, Spinrad, Ellison, Bixby) smokin' with =real= people and =real= (at the time, and many still relevent) issues, a =great= ensemble cast... Sue me in care of the board.