YA Jack series - HELP - Printable Version

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YA Jack series - HELP - Keith the Elder - 06-04-2006

Scott Miller Wrote:Germinating Jack or Jack Germinates
Hammer Jack or Jack Hammer
The Unlikely Hero or Unlikeliest
The Equalizer
Outside the Lines

"the Equalizer"

Now that's just a blatant rip off of my suggestion years ago of a guy called The Evener Upper

YA Jack series - HELP - webby - 06-04-2006

On Edge

On the Edge

Jack on the Edge

Jack's Edge

(since his hometown will be on the Edge of the Pine Barrens...)

YA Jack series - HELP - webby - 06-04-2006

Jack to the Max

Totally Jack

Radical Jack

(using some 80's slang, as the time period is '82-'83 and kids are, like, into "retro")

YA Jack series - HELP - Manda_W - 06-04-2006

Maybe something along the lines of balance.

Balancing Act
Balancing Jack

Then each title could be along the lines of Confusedtrike a balance, balancing act, perfect balance.

His early days were more about retribution; punishment must fit the crime; use your car to destroy, he destroys your car. Throw things off the overpass to kill, get killed being thrown off the overpass. Something along the lines of retribution?

Early jack was about fairness. No grown man should have to stand in his lawn and cry, the unfairness of it ate at Jack.

Fair Play as a series; and then work Fair into all the titles of the books.

Jack's rage has always been his fuel. He has to get angry to act. He is most dangerous when he is enraged. Maybe something about coldfire, stoke the flames, burning anger. You could watch Jack's struggles to mature and keep that anger in check and always fail gloriously.

At this time in his life, he is developing towards adult Jack. He is shaping the attitudes that lead him to create a nation of one, to become a nonentity, but not there yet. We will start to see the situations that led him to want the life he will create for himself. Independence is way too cheesy, but maybe along the lines of liberation or control of your destiny or control; the one thing Jack wants most and acheives least.

Jack always works in the shadows. Hiding in Shadows, Shadow Master, Stealing Shadows, etc.

Same thing could work with Secrets.

I am just thinking out loud, the previous ideas are awesome. Just wanted to take this in a new direction for giggles.

YA Jack series - HELP - Keith the Elder - 06-04-2006

Manda_W Wrote:Maybe something along the lines of balance.

Balancing Act
Balancing Jack

Then each title could be along the lines of Confusedtrike a balance, balancing act, perfect balance.

His early days were more about retribution; punishment must fit the crime; use your car to destroy, he destroys your car. Throw things off the overpass to kill, get killed being thrown off the overpass. Something along the lines of retribution?

Early jack was about fairness. No grown man should have to stand in his lawn and cry, the unfairness of it ate at Jack.

Fair Play as a series; and then work Fair into all the titles of the books.

Jack's rage has always been his fuel. He has to get angry to act. He is most dangerous when he is enraged. Maybe something about coldfire, stoke the flames, burning anger. You could watch Jack's struggles to mature and keep that anger in check and always fail gloriously.

At this time in his life, he is developing towards adult Jack. He is shaping the attitudes that lead him to create a nation of one, to become a nonentity, but not there yet. We will start to see the situations that led him to want the life he will create for himself. Independence is way too cheesy, but maybe along the lines of liberation or control of your destiny or control; the one thing Jack wants most and acheives least.

I am just thinking out loud, the previous ideas are awesome. Just wanted to take this in a new direction for giggles.

This is sound reasoning!!!

The Zen of Jack

The Tao of Jack


Smoldering Ember

Fire in the Belly

Fire in the Hold

Spontaneous Combustion

Note to Maggers: This thread is picking up speed exceeded only by that of the Haiku thread

YA Jack series - HELP - Mike Hanson - 06-04-2006

FoeJack (Foe-Jack)

GoJack (go-Jack)

HollerJack (Holler Jack)

J is for Jack (K is for Karma)

K is for Karma, J is for Jack

KarmaJack (Karma-Jack)

TackleJack (Tackle-Jack)

Jack's Pact, Jack's Pack, and PackJack

Jack of all Shades

KickJack (Kick-Jack)

KickerJack (Kicker-Jack)

Kick Back, Jack

Kick it Back Jack

Take it Back Jack

AlphaJack (Alpha-Jack)


Jacks In

Jack's In

YA Jack series - HELP - Scott Miller - 06-04-2006

The Path Less Travelled

YA Jack series - HELP - Richard Kendrick - 06-04-2006

Before I read any of these the first thing that came to me was "Jack Of All Trades".

How about "Prepareman Jack"? Just kidding.


YA Jack series - HELP - Mike Hanson - 06-04-2006

Roger Zelazny created three great jacks:

ShadowJack (in his novel JACK OF SHADOWS)

DonnerJack (in his novel of the same name)

HalfJack (in his short story of the same name)

My fave fan entry so far in this contest I think I've seen in two
different posters' lists, and that is: "JACKED IN."

It seems to fit that 1980's vibe, with the allusions to the
classic cyberpunk novel NEUROMANCER, as well as actually
stating what is happening to the young Jack, i.e., he's getting
"jacked in" to this proactive righter-of-wrongs mentality/lifestyle...


YA Jack series - HELP - Silverfish - 06-04-2006

An Alternate Career
My Guidance counselor told me to go into business
My Guidance counselor told me to start my own business
...too long, but I like the idea.

I also like Just Jack. I don't think today's YA would necessarily get the Will & Grace reference. (Which is a good thing.)
