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The Next Generation Last Thread - Medusa - 02-21-2013

Haven't met him yet. We'll meet him in August.
PicardRex Wrote:What was Q like? I know he's really John de Lancie, but he'll always be Q. I would love to have seen that Q vs Spock debate they did years ago.

The Next Generation Last Thread - Sigokat - 02-22-2013

I think my all time favorite TOS has to be The Changling. Its amazing that Nomad had become the perfect killing machine while still being so small. How he erased Uhura's memory and killed then "repaired" the unit Scott was cool as well.

The whole Roykirk thing was a little cheesy, but Kirk's logic in defeating Nomand was sound.

I'm going to have to try and watch some more TNG, maybe start a rewatch even though Season 1 is a little slow. Its hard to watch them here though because the civilian internet gets bogged down alot and things tend to "buffer" all the time. So unless I want to watch an episode super early in the morning, I might have to see if the Bazaar can get it. I did pick up 1-7 of Criminal Minds from the Bazaar for $70.00. Not bad, as it came out to $10.00 a season. Gotta know how to hagle with these guys!

The Next Generation Last Thread - Medusa - 02-22-2013

We have recently gotten so hooked on Criminal Minds. We got Seasons 1 and 2 for Christmas and now we're addicted. Every time we end a season I go on Ebay and buy another. This last time I found such good deals I got us Seasons 5-7. So we are caught up until we can watch the new ones that are out now. Let me know if you want any CSI Miami Sig? I have Seasons 1 thru 9 if you want to borrow them. We've already seen them all.

Sigokat Wrote:I did pick up 1-7 of Criminal Minds from the Bazaar for $70.00. Not bad, as it came out to $10.00 a
season. Gotta know how to hagle with these guys!

The Next Generation Last Thread - Sigokat - 02-22-2013

Medusa Wrote:We have recently gotten so hooked on Criminal Minds. We got Seasons 1 and 2 for Christmas and now we're addicted. Every time we end a season I go on Ebay and buy another. This last time I found such good deals I got us Seasons 5-7. So we are caught up until we can watch the new ones that are out now. Let me know if you want any CSI Miami Sig? I have Seasons 1 thru 9 if you want to borrow them. We've already seen them all.

Thanks for the offer. I'm pretty set with the Criminal Minds right now. That will take me some time to get through since I work 6 days a week, 12 hour days and I'm pretty tired by the end of my day as I'll probaly only be watching one or two episodes a night. I gotta get up early to workout so I can't stay up late.

I'll let you know though as I get through CM. Afterall, I do still have a little over 8 months to go here LOL

The Next Generation Last Thread - LolaRennt - 02-22-2013

Since most of this conversation has been Star Trek related, I expect that you all (unlike my disappointingly ungeeky friends) will catch the reference and not be surprised why this came to mind when I read about this spot in Germany.

For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky...

The Next Generation Last Thread - Sigokat - 02-22-2013

Definitely get the reference! I have quite a few geek friends at home and most of them are Trekkies too, but out here I haven't really found anyone yet that like sci-fi and trek.

The Next Generation Last Thread - Fenian1916 - 02-22-2013


The Next Generation Last Thread - Sigokat - 02-22-2013


The Next Generation Last Thread - Fenian1916 - 02-22-2013

It's back in time by Huey Lewis LOL

The Next Generation Last Thread - cobalt - 02-22-2013

LolaRennt Wrote:Since most of this conversation has been Star Trek related, I expect that you all (unlike my disappointingly ungeeky friends) will catch the reference and not be surprised why this came to mind when I read about this spot in Germany.

That looks awesome!

Quote:For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky...

Good ref, Lola. I thought of the Truman Show.