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Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - Sigokat - 04-23-2012

Insidious was good and I agree about the last 20 minutes or so. Its almost like the filmmakers weren't sure how to end it and that is what they came up with.

Oh and I hate Rob Zombie. His music, his "love" of horror, etc. He ruined Halloween and when House of 1,000 Corpses came out me and a buddy took our Egyptian classmate to see it (we were in SOBC at Ft Gordon at the time 2003). And of course we spent the rest of the evening apologizing to the guy, telling him how American movies are not all bad like that one was! Rob Zombie = shit!!

Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - Fenian1916 - 04-23-2012


Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - Sigokat - 04-23-2012

Fenian1916 Wrote:Hater

of crappy movies? Yes, I am a hater then LOL

Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - PicardRex - 04-23-2012

You know, I wasn't that let down by Halloween, though it was vastly inferior to Carpenter's, I guess its because I went in knowing it would be a TnA fest and there would be no subtlety to it. The second sucked hard though. And his "original" movies, ha! I finally watched House of 1000 Corpses after a lot of my friends said how awesome it was. I got new friends after that. Seriously though, that was a terrible movie. I've not seen the sequel, though its supposed to be better.

Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - Sigokat - 04-23-2012

PicardRex Wrote:I got new friends after that.

100%ly awesomeness LOL

And I didn't even know there was a sequal to House...shows how much I care about Rob Zombie LOL

Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - PicardRex - 04-23-2012

The Devils Rejects is the title. It follows the three surviving members of the family as they run from the cops, at least I think thats how it goes.

Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - Brian - 04-23-2012

PicardRex Wrote:The Devils Rejects is the title. It follows the three surviving members of the family as they run from the cops, at least I think thats how it goes.

A totally bad slash-fest for sure. The only line worth remembering, and I don't remember who said it was, " Do I stutter, bitch?"

Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - Medusa - 04-23-2012

Exactly how I felt! My son talked me into watching it. I was so bored. He wanted to watch PA2 and I told him he was on his own. Thank god I used Netflix and it was free. He went to a midnight showing of PA3 and was laughing while teenage girls around him were screaming.

Sigokat Wrote:Yes, I'm reviving this thread because I finally got around to watching this movie over the weekend.

The only reason I rented it was because I remembered Toni saying it was very well done. Toni, I want my money back. I'm sorry, but this movie was beyond lame. It wasn't scary, at all, unless you think loud noises and shadows are scary. The ending was lame (both endings if you see if on DVD) and the fact that nothing is explained at all is totally cheap and lazy on the film makers part. The characters were totally unbelivable, Micah being a complete d-bag and the girl (can't even remember her name and I watched it Sat. night) going from sweet and innocent to mega bitch was laughable (I also can't stand women that swear like sailors, its very unattractive).

Sorry, Toni, but this is one movie we disagree on. I want that 90+ minutes of my life back.

Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - Medusa - 04-23-2012

House 1000 was pretty scary, creepy but reminded me a lot of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I absolutely didn't like Devil's Rejects. They took all the horror creep factor out of it.
PicardRex Wrote:The Devils Rejects is the title. It follows the three surviving members of the family as they run from the cops, at least I think thats how it goes.

Help Me Get Paranormal Activity - Medusa - 04-23-2012

Captain Spaulding! The best part of both of the movies! I got a Captain Spaulding t-shirt for a friend of mine that said that!

Brian Wrote:A totally bad slash-fest for sure. The only line worth remembering, and I don't remember who said it was, " Do I stutter, bitch?"