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Avatar - Wapitikev - 01-10-2010

flyingfox Wrote:Saw it the other day in 3D, I thought it started out a bit slow and boring, but that misconception only lasted a few minutes. I have to learn to give films a chance to get going. It was GREAT, the 3 hours FLEW by, thats how good it was!!
Wonder how it looks in 2D, as that's how we will have to see it on DVD!!!
Not necessarily...a Quebec company has just developed (and licensed to Samsung, Sharp, etc.) the technology to film and playback 3D Avatar, for instance. ESPN has also purchased licensing for...wait for it...ESPN-3D to televise sports using the technology.

My 2D theatre experience was still visually stunning.


Avatar - Scott Miller - 01-10-2010

fpw Wrote:Saw "Avatar" in 3D yesterday. Turn your brain off and revel in the visual feast, especially the Roger Dean floating buttes. Really, you can't think about the story (a by-the-numbers Hollywood bildungsroman) or the characters (all-bad bad guys and wartless protagonists), or even those Roger Dean buttes, so just lean back and drink it all in. I might go again.

That about sums up my feelings about it; everything about it outside of the look was pretty mediocre but the look makes it a nearly great film. It was just gorgeous. The Eklans?(the flying beasts)were my favorite part. I did see it in 3D and it was amazing. I am planning on seeing it again in 2D once it hits the cheap circuit.

Avatar - peterhook - 01-12-2010

Its really nice movie.James Cameron did good work in avatar.His both film avatar & titanic very nice.Animation that are created in avatar very good.I saw trailer to the avatar its very is nice action movie.

Avatar - Wapitikev - 01-13-2010

peterhook Wrote:Avatar...
Its really nice movie.James Cameron did good work in avatar.His both film avatar & titanic very nice.Animation that are created in avatar very good.I saw trailer to the avatar its very is nice action movie.
Welcome, Peterhook. You'll like it here.


Avatar - webby - 01-15-2010

[Image: 1.jpg]

I haven't seen Avatar yet, but then again, from all I've heard, maybe I have. Big Grin

Avatar - Ken Valentine - 01-16-2010

Filed off the Serial Numbers did they?

Good one Webby!

Ken V.

webby Wrote:[Image: 1.jpg]

I haven't seen Avatar yet, but then again, from all I've heard, maybe I have. Big Grin

Avatar - SickThing - 01-18-2010

It's on the verge of passing Titanic in terms of overall revenue. Amazing....


Avatar - Libby - 01-19-2010

Ha. Nice, Webby. It is so true.Big Grin

Avatar - Yeratel - 01-19-2010

webby Wrote:[Image: 1.jpg]

I haven't seen Avatar yet, but then again, from all I've heard, maybe I have. Big Grin

I almost did a spit-take on my keyboard. Big Grin

Avatar - ccosborne3 - 03-09-2010

I hated this movie.

No redeeming qualities to it whatsoever. How it could ever be nominated for an Academy Award I'll never know. Another glossy soulless piece of crap. No originality. I was rooting for the humans to wipe out the giant blue elongated Smurfs the whole time.

By the way, this isn't a "see I'm different because I didn't like something everyone else liked" type of statement. It reaaaaaalllly sucked something awful and anyone who posted that it was "wondorous" reaaaallllly shouldn't be trusted for a fair review.

The emperor has no clothes and you can see his little wing-wong shimmying in the breeze. Please don't try to tell me different.