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Actor For Jack - Richard Kendrick - 04-30-2004

The Mad American Wrote:I guess your right there Richard, didn't realize it when I wrote it but yeah that is in a Queensryche song....Seems like it was a sample from something else though..can't remember what.

There is a band called Two Ton Heavy Thing. I have no idea where the saying came from either. I just recognized it from Empire when I saw you had written it.


Actor For Jack - The Mad American - 04-30-2004

[QUOTE=Annice Burdeos]
With so many sequels and franchises being made, they are looking to improve their chances as much as possible for the film to turn a profit, preferably during its initial domestic run. Given who would most likely star, that individual would have to carry the film internationally as well. So look for Jack on film to be more of an action adventure type!

Horror of horrors!!! Please don't let them make Jack into some sort of shallow Action/adventure type...It would really ruin the character in my opinion. But then again, you have a point on the way that the movie powers that be think....I am having a horrible, horrible vision bouncing around my head...Sly Stallone yelling "Yo Gina!!!" at the top of his lungs......aaarrrrggghhhhhhh!!! Make the bad voices go away!!!

Actor For Jack - jimbow8 - 04-30-2004

Richard Kendrick Wrote:[COLOR=Black]

Hey Ken, funny you should mention that... I am 2/3 of the way through Black Wind and the entire time I'm reading it I'm thinking, "Why hasn't this been made into a movie? It would be perfect." I could see it for sure. What a great book so far.

I honestly don't know if it would make a great movie. It covers such a huge timespan that it would require multiple actors for each of the main characters. And the big problem with this is that the movie would have to be extremely long (if any of it was cut, all the people on this site would be EXTREMELY upset). It would require either a) extensive cuts (or screen writing adaptation), b) to be a TV miniseries (which usually diminishes the quality), or c) multiple movies which would also require extensive editing and would be too big of a risk for Hollywood to take on an unknown quantity such as this.

I think it is better left as a book, personally. The Select is still the fpw book that I think begs to have a movie made of it. Good characters, interesting and timely topic, good pacing, etc.

Actor For Jack - Gerald Rice - 05-05-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:Who is going to play Jack in the movie?

Sorry, I just had to do it!!! Wink

Sadly, this has come full circle in the sense that when someone suggested Hugh Jackman he wasn't available because he was doing Van Helsing. That movie will be out in 2 days. I guess we can throw him back in the mix.

My choice after Edward Norton would be that dude in Touching Evil. (Let's just hope Evil isn't a little boy.)

Actor For Jack - Sam - 05-05-2004

Does anybody know if FPW will be in charge of casting the roles for the movie??? Seems to me that he will know the charisma needed for the characters better than anybody else!! I hope he is, otherwise Hollywood might just want to make him Politically Correct Jack, maybe even Affirmative Action Jack. No offense intended!!

Actor For Jack - Lisa - 05-05-2004

Novel writers do not get to cast movie actors. Casting people do.


Actor For Jack - iambear - 05-06-2004

i dont know why , but when I read any repairman jack novels, I always pitcure RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON .... I think he would make an excellent Jack

Actor For Jack - Terry Willacker - 05-06-2004

iambear Wrote:i dont know why , but when I read any repairman jack novels, I always pitcure RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON .... I think he would make an excellent Jack

I prefer Hugh Jackman. Anderson seems too old and too tall.

Actor For Jack - Richard Kendrick - 05-06-2004

Gerald Rice Wrote:when someone suggested Hugh Jackman he wasn't available because he was doing Van Helsing.

[Image: boy_from_oz5000.jpg]
If I remember correctly, Jackman was not available for RJ because he was staring in "THE BOY FROM OZ", a musical on Broadway for a year. I believe Van Helsing had already been filmed by then.


Actor For Jack - Sam - 05-06-2004

Lisa Wrote:Novel writers do not get to cast movie actors. Casting people do.


Just thought FPW might have made that a part of the contract. Just hoping he has some influence, at least.