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Avatar - Brian - 12-28-2009

Mike, Avatar is Dances With Wolves in space. The CGI is the ticket here.

Avatar - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 12-28-2009

Brian Wrote:Mike, Avatar is Dances With Wolves in space. The CGI is the ticket here.

Yeah, but for 300 millions of bucks?!

Story's the thing. Did Chaplin need CGI for the finest movie ever, CITY LIGHTS? No, he did not. Story and acting endure. The rest is fluff.

Avatar - Brian - 12-28-2009

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Yeah, but for 300 millions of bucks?!

Yup, and he'll make it back plus some I think.

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Story's the thing. Did Chaplin need CGI for the finest movie ever, CITY LIGHTS? No, he did not. Story and acting endure. The rest is fluff.

The story was weak, as I said, it was all about what could be done with the CGI. A new level was reached.

Avatar - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 12-28-2009

Brian Wrote:Yup, and he'll make it back plus some I think.

The story was weak, as I said, it was all about what could be done with the CGI. A new level was reached.

Brian, how 'bout this? Give me your mailing address and I will loan you my treasured copy of CITY LIGHTS. Watch it with cobalt, the lights turned down low. The final scene, she will cry. And so will you.

Einstein did. That's pretty good company.

And now I must rip the joint. Take care, my brother!

Avatar - Srem - 12-28-2009

Kenji Wrote:She's very beautiful.

Am I weirdo?

I guess I'm a weirdo also, because I thought the same.

Avatar - bones weep tedium - 12-29-2009

Brian Wrote:The story was weak, as I said, it was all about what could be done with the CGI. A new level was reached.

A new low, perhaps.

Avatar - Kenji - 12-29-2009

Brian Wrote:Here you go Kenji, this is the actress that the female alien is based on.

[Image: attachment.php?thumbnail=239]

Yeah, I know about her. Zoe Saldana. She played young Uhura in JJ Abrams' "Star Trek". She's really beautiful.

Avatar - Kenji - 12-29-2009

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:I haven't seen the flick, but a guy who's opinion I respect asked the question, "Can you get close to a film where an American soldier is the bad guy?"

Well, first of all, this is a future story, and nobody says they are American Soldiers. They hadn't even The Flag of the United States. Wink

Avatar - ccosborne3 - 12-30-2009

I have no interest in seeing this film. All the aliens look like Jar Jar Binks. To be honest it looks like a rip off of The Phantom Menace. I've seen the trailers and it has a complete cartoony feel to it. I've never liked CGI and I never will. CGI should be used to make fantasy a reality, not the other way around. I'll keep my money this time around.

Avatar - SickThing - 01-01-2010

ccosborne3 Wrote:I have no interest in seeing this film. All the aliens look like Jar Jar Binks. To be honest it looks like a rip off of The Phantom Menace. I've seen the trailers and it has a complete cartoony feel to it.

I thought that, too, when I first saw the trailer. But seeing it in IMAX 3D, it was amazingly realistic---not cartoony at all, IMO.

And technically, the "soldiers" were employees of the company, not really representing any country.
