Movies - Was the remake better than the original - Printable Version

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Movies - Was the remake better than the original - jimbow8 - 03-01-2008

Just watched the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween. BAD! Original is FAR, FAR superior.

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - RichE - 03-09-2008

I can Tell you all right now-putting my very minor reputation (HA!) as a film collector that the remake of "HOUSE OF WAX" with Paris Hilton was vastly inferior to the original VINCENT PRICE/FRANK LOVEJOY/PHYLLIS KIRK/CHARLES BRONSON original (or for tjhat matter the 1933 original "MYSTERY OF THE WAX MUSEAM" starring Lionel Atwill and Faye Wray.)

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - RichE - 03-10-2008

Also the TV film "HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN" was pretty bad-give me the original!

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - RichE - 03-15-2008

I hope no one would suggest the remake of "THE BLOB" was better than the original - anyone?

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - Kenji - 03-16-2008

RichE Wrote:I hope no one would suggest the remake of "THE BLOB" was better than the original - anyone?

Remake version's SFX was great, but I prefer original, out of respect for McQueen. Wink

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - RichE - 03-16-2008

Not to mention that catchy song.....!

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - bones weep tedium - 03-16-2008

RichE Wrote:I hope no one would suggest the remake of "THE BLOB" was better than the original - anyone?

Is the original that good to begin with? I only saw the remake once, and I was so young when I saw it that any grown-up horror film was an awesome experience. I remember the gorey effects blew me away, but I also remember enjoying the storyline (which means if I enjoyed it as a sprog it's probably rubbish now I'm older Wink )

Anyway, I think the original is particularly ropey, and I've never understoof Steve McQueen's appeal. Aside from The Getaway, I can't even think of any of himn films I've liked that much :confused:

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - RichE - 03-16-2008

PAUL!!!! Wade in here and help me out! tThe remake better?

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - Kenji - 03-17-2008

bones weep tedium Wrote:Anyway, I think the original is particularly ropey, and I've never understoof Steve McQueen's appeal. Aside from The Getaway, I can't even think of any of himn films I've liked that much :confused:

Have you ever seen "The Great Escape" and "The Magnificent Seven"?

Oh, well, by the way, "The Magnificent Seven" is definitely better than the original. Of course, "Seven Samurai" is masterpeice and good movie. But I prefer "The Magnificent Seven". Wink

Movies - Was the remake better than the original - GeraldRice - 03-17-2008

RichE Wrote:I hope no one would suggest the remake of "THE BLOB" was better than the original - anyone?

I liked the remake better. To me the original was too hokey. Who was that, Jimmy Stewart? I never did like him. He always acted like he was in a comedy.