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25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - neotank - 07-24-2006

This may have been mentioned already, but doesn't it seem that in every action movie the super tough hero ALWAYS gets his ass beat by the bad guy even if he is untrained in any sort of martial arts.

Some Jean Cluade Van Damme type guy kicks the snot out off 100 skilled fighters, but at the end of the movie when he fights some sixty year old businessman he gets absolutely OWNED for ninety percent of the fight, and then just manages to come back and win at the very end.

I would like to see the tough guy hero just one punch kill the villian in a movie just once in my life.

25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - cobalt - 07-24-2006

I've always prefered the white containers, even though I mess up the metal handle. For some reason, I can never close the styrofoam ones without breaking the little closing tab. Rolleyes

25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - wdg3rd - 07-25-2006

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:This is more NYC-based TV shows than flicks, but the apartments these guys and gals live in make my head spin in wonder. Do plush joints like that exist? Sure. I've stolen the silverware in some. But for most of us, THE HONEYMOONERS is more like it.
Oh, it happens enough in the movies. Remember Lois Lane's little place in the first Chris Reeve Superman flick? I happen to know that reporters for a major metropolitan newspaper don't get paid all that much.

25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 07-25-2006

wdg3rd Wrote:Oh, it happens enough in the movies. Remember Lois Lane's little place in the first Chris Reeve Superman flick? I happen to know that reporters for a major metropolitan newspaper don't get paid all that much.

But for a =quick= metropolitan newspaper, it might be different!Big Grin

25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - Susan - 07-25-2006

I just thought of a couple more.

In the movies and on television, your NYC apartment is beautiful and roomy, even if you aren't rich. In real life, that doesn't happen!

Southern people are always rednecks or just plain stupid. I know that's not true, because I live in the South and I'm a friggin' genius!


25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 07-25-2006

Susan Wrote:I just thought of a couple more.

In the movies and on television, your NYC apartment is beautiful and roomy, even if you aren't rich. In real life, that doesn't happen!

Southern people are always rednecks or just plain stupid. I know that's not true, because I live in the South and I'm a friggin' genius!


I wonder what the genesis of the cliche that Southrens are ignorant is? (BTW, Susan, I'm very proud you spelled both "friggin'" and "genius" correctlyBig Grin .)

25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - KRW - 07-25-2006

The black man in "Caveman" couldn't dance!
Wait, that was kinda funny!

Alright, how about when the villain is kept alive, but is always trying to kill the group. Someone please off this guy...Please!


25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - dejo - 07-25-2006

Quote:23. Chinese food takeout in a movie always comes in those little white boxes, which I have never, in my life, seen chinese food arrive at my door in. I desperately want it to, but it never does.
Here in the Denver area, some Chinese food comes in those little white boxes, usually at least the rice. Same with Calgary.

Quote:14. That somehow singing in a moving vehicle always makes something terrible happen.
Huh? Any examples?

25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - Mike Hanson - 07-26-2006

I'd love to see a time-bomb set to actually explode at around 25 seconds left to go.

In most movies, this would guarantee detonation before the hero disarms it.

25 Cinematic Cliches I Never Wanna See Again - GeraldRice - 07-26-2006

How about the guy who realizes just how much of a monster he is and thanks the protagonist for killing him. I just saw The Howling again last night and Dr. Waggner did this.