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Best Horror Movie Death Scene Ever - Tony H - 08-10-2011

PicardRex Wrote:What kills me about Serpent and the Rainbow is that the way he beats the bad guys and the voodoo is that towards the end of it, he just bascially says "I'm tired of this shit" and then beats up the bad guys that had been bugging him the whole film. Its like he could have ended it at any point, but couldn't be bothered to. The whole film they tell you and try an dimpress you with how bad voodoo is, and basically all you have to do to beat it is just say fuck it, I'm done. Lame, but kinda funny ending.

I loved that movie, I forgot it was a Wes Craven film. The ending where he throws the bad guys words back at him "I want to hear you scream" was awesome.

I actually own this on DVD, I migth have to break it out when I get home.

Best Horror Movie Death Scene Ever - RootsReggae - 08-11-2011

Seed is a B horror movie from 2007. There is an extremely brutal death scene where a womans head is caved in with a hammer. The scene starts out with the killer lightly tapping her, and is drawn out over 2 or 3 minutes until her head has caved in. Very Brutal.

THE MOST BRUTAL thing I ever saw on film is Monica Bellucci's rape in a french film called Irreversible. It's like 5 minute long and extremely graphic.

Best Horror Movie Death Scene Ever - Tony H - 08-11-2011

RootsReggae Wrote:Seed is a B horror movie from 2007. There is an extremely brutal death scene where a womans head is caved in with a hammer. The scene starts out with the killer lightly tapping her, and is drawn out over 2 or 3 minutes until her head has caved in. Very Brutal.

THE MOST BRUTAL thing I ever saw on film is Monica Bellucci's rape in a french film called Irreversible. It's like 5 minute long and extremely graphic.

Irreversible was a hard film to watch. While the rape scene was brutal, I think the fire extinguisher scene that opened the film was equally as difficult to watch.

SEED is a horrible movie. From the opening scenes of real animal torture (which was completely unnecessary) to the horrendous story, it was an all around disgusting piece of cinema. Of course it was an Uwe Bolle film so I didn't expect much.

Best Horror Movie Death Scene Ever - Fenian1916 - 08-11-2011

Uwe Bolle is useless

Best Horror Movie Death Scene Ever - Tony H - 08-11-2011

Fenian1916 Wrote:Uwe Bolle is useless

A fucking failed abortion.

Best Horror Movie Death Scene Ever - Fenian1916 - 08-11-2011

He should be the poster boy for abortions

Best Horror Movie Death Scene Ever - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 08-11-2011

Not a horror flick, but my fave death scene (what a bizarre phrase) was at the end of THE CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE.

If you know it, you know it. If not, buy or rent the flick NOW!!! You will not be disappointed.

So vows Little Blues.