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Who's Your Cast? - jmez87 - 05-15-2009

That is the perfect person. the accent, the size, he is perfect!

Who's Your Cast? - Ken Valentine - 05-15-2009

jmez87 Wrote:That is the perfect person. the accent, the size, he is perfect!
Hagrid . . . as Abe?

I think he'd be great!

Ken V.

Who's Your Cast? - Wapitikev - 05-16-2009

Ken Valentine Wrote:Hagrid . . . as Abe?

I think he'd be great!

Ken V.
I'll see if I can get any photo evidence for other Abe options (there are a few past, good threads an him) for comparison purposes.


Who's Your Cast? - nijimeijer - 05-29-2009

Wow, I haven't posted in a long time. But after watching Supernatural for years, I still think Jensen Ackles (who plays Dean) would make an excellent Jack. He can clearly handle himself from an action perspective, and in the show his range has been from pure comedy to complete intensity, a range appropriate for the character.

I still think Judd Hirsch for Abe is what is needed.

Who's Your Cast? - Ken Valentine - 05-30-2009

nijimeijer Wrote:Wow, I haven't posted in a long time.


Nearly two years.

Welcome back!

Ken V.

Who's Your Cast? - persephoneslove - 05-30-2009

For Molly Stanton I'm going to have drop a big huge NO since, passsions was one of the biggest soap-opera disasters evr and I didn't think she was very good in it.

Nathan's inner darkness cannot begin to compete for Jack's attention. Besides I want to keep him in the Castle mindframe right now. Go Derek Storm!

Cuyle Looks good [though what is up witht that name?] But can those sparkling baby blues pull of that crackling oDNA look? And is the pointed chin to distinguished.

Bruce Campbell is god!

Robbie Coltrane as Abe I can see, he will now become my number two in line right after Eddie Jones.

Jensen Ackles who also got his start in a soap opera [though it was Days of Our Lives, which is still going strong] is also a good candidate, in my opinion. I had completely forgotten all about him, which is very much what Jack strives to be isn't it?

Who's Your Cast? - Wapitikev - 05-30-2009

I dunno, Jensen is fairly "pretty-boy" compared to the descriptions of Jack.

Welcome back, BTW.


Who's Your Cast? - nijimeijer - 06-01-2009

Wapitikev Wrote:I dunno, Jensen is fairly "pretty-boy" compared to the descriptions of Jack.

Welcome back, BTW.


I don't think you can get away without a pretty boy in Hollywood. And in comparison to a lot of other younger stars, Jensen is, I think, rather well suited to the role. He looks the part, can act the part, and is comfortable in the genre obviously (given his role in Supernatural). I think he's far less "pretty" than a lot of other young male stars.

Who's Your Cast? - Wapitikev - 06-01-2009

nijimeijer Wrote:I don't think you can get away without a pretty boy in Hollywood. And in comparison to a lot of other younger stars, Jensen is, I think, rather well suited to the role. He looks the part, can act the part, and is comfortable in the genre obviously (given his role in Supernatural). I think he's far less "pretty" than a lot of other young male stars.
Granted, Hollywood is full of prettyboys.

However, Desmond Harrington (Wrong Turn, Ghost Ship and Dexter) and Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation) are both less handsome than Jensen.

I have to thank MadScheib for recently recommending Sam Worthington (in this other thread, here)...the more I look over pictures of him, the more "Jack" he looks to me...can you get more average pale male than this?
Sam Worthington3.jpg (Size: 64.74 KB Downloads: 58)

This pic reminds me exactly of some of the poses on the book jackets. A little back-lighting and that is Jack!
sam worhtington2.jpg (Size: 71.93 KB Downloads: 59)

He's now in my top three with a bullet (no pun intended) for Jack.


Who's Your Cast? - persephoneslove - 06-06-2009

I'm liking the look of Worthington but for some reason I can't look away from the slouchy eye lid problem he seems to have. Is he winking at me or does he just need more sleep?