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Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 08-03-2009

fpw Wrote:Sorry, Wendy. (But "binging" doesn't quite do it)

GROUND ZERO was excellent even by your demanding standards, Paul. What I gotta do is get off my lazy ass, take photos of the Manhattan sites mentioned (i.e., 63 CPW, Glaeken's residence; Central Park, etc.) and post them.

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Wapitikev - 08-03-2009

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:GROUND ZERO was excellent even by your demanding standards, Paul. What I gotta do is get off my lazy ass, take photos of the Manhattan sites mentioned (i.e., 63 CPW, Glaeken's residence; Central Park, etc.) and post them.
Hi, Mike...this is less of a spoiler than an unfinished discussion from another, older thread...when Weezy sees Gia she thinks to herself "she's beautiful" then revises down to "very very good looking."

So I guess that Melissa George wouldn't be too good looking to play Gia after all, would she?



Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 08-03-2009

Wapitikev Wrote:Hi, Mike...this is less of a spoiler than an unfinished discussion from another, older thread...when Weezy sees Gia she thinks to herself "she's beautiful" then revises down to "very very good looking."

So I guess that Melissa George wouldn't be too good looking to play Gia after all, would she?



Wap, I have =no idea= how women evaluate each others' looks.

Wait a minute...I just talked to a domain knowledge expert. She confides, it's not something men are aware of. A woman looks at another woman and thinks, "How's her dress? Her make-up? Her hairstyle? Is she =trying=? Or is she naturally good-looking, and using the minimum to accentuate that. Sometimes, less is more."

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - RichE - 08-05-2009

I think I'll fork the big bucks over and grab one-and the expanded NIGHTWORLD too (and with my luck THE MAN) will change it again!!!

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Wapitikev - 08-05-2009

RichE Wrote:I think I'll fork the big bucks over and grab one-and the expanded NIGHTWORLD too (and with my luck THE MAN) will change it again!!!
Better hurry, the Gauntlet newsletter says there are only a few copies left.


Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Scott Miller - 09-17-2009

Well you took nearly every word out of my mouth so I'll just respond to yours and save myself some fingerwork.

webby Wrote:First thing - I love the way FPW gave the phrase "ground zero" a whole new layer of meaning. That was wicked clever!

That was great; every side could stick to their claims without being any closer to the truth.

webby Wrote:I also loved how other parts of the uber-story were woven in to place this one in time - Abe reading about a house in Monroe burning down that belonged to a doctor who could supposedly heal with a touch, Rasalom's changed appearance and Dawn finding a college ID in his desk. Cool

It really whet my appetite for the next installments of Secret Histories; there were several references to events that we haven't been privy to yet.

webby Wrote:Of course, it was wonderful to see Weezy again (Eddie too except for the lodge brand! ). I figured there would have to be at least a little romantic tension between Jack and Weezy. It was there in Secret Histories and chances were it had never really been resolved. So there it was, but Jack did good. But poor Weezy. I felt so bad for her.

She is great; my heart is broken for her sad existence.

webby Wrote:And BTW, I'm going on record here and now to say there is no way Weezy's late husband killed himself. I don't believe it and neither should she. Maybe we'll all learn more about that in an upcoming book.


webby Wrote:I can't say how happy I am that Weezy survived this book. I was really worried that she wouldn't. But we aren't at the end yet, so it remains a possibility. Dammit.

I'm totally concerned about what the future holds for her and Eddie.

webby Wrote:The explanation of The Lady was way cool. It was the first I'd heard of the noosphere (sounds a little Dormentalist-ish, doesn't it?) so I thought it was extremely interesting. I'm not sure it really rules out The Lady being thought of as Mother Nature though, considering that Mother Nature is a mythical being it isn't inconceivable that the name could have been bestowed on The Lady in ages long past. :dontknow:

webby Wrote:I also thought The Lady was a going to be a goner by the end of this book. I am so glad I was (mostly) wrong!

It was good to finally discover what she truly is but was horribly saddened by her dog's fate.

webby Wrote:So Jack has still not told Gia about the "accident". But now I'm thinking that even when he does get his nerve up to do it, it isn't going to be the big horrible shock for Gia he expects it to be. I'm thinking that at least deep in her heart, Gia knows it wasn't an accident.

Think about it - Gia has been with Jack through the "accidents" with his sister, father and brother. She heard about what happened to his mother. Gia isn't stupid. Even if she doesn't realize on a conscious level that what happened to her, Vicky and Emma was intentional, she'll realize she knew it on some level as soon as she hears it.

Agreed. She's definitely in it for the pound now.

webby Wrote:There were other neat things in Ground Zero (the caves, for one) that I enjoyed but I've babbled enough for now. Ground Zero is another excellent addition to the Repairman Jack / Adversary Cycle story arc. The Man is truly The Man! :adore:

The caves, L.A., the Orsa(super creepy), Weezy's ability to decipher The Compendium...

webby Wrote:I do have one question for Paul, though. How in the world did you come up with a word like "Fhinntmanchca"?

Loved the word and where it's derived from.

And finally, had to laugh at the dig on Lou Reed-you shouldn't spend so much time questioning his fame Paul, just let it go.

It certainly wasn't the action-fest of By The Sword, but I liked it more.

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - KRW - 09-17-2009

Great book Paul.. Thank you!

I'll post some thoughts on it later. (it needs to sink in)

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - natalya - 09-27-2009

Hi guys!

I am from Singapore and we won't be getting Ground Zero for several weeks to come. Could someone spoiler me on what The Lady is? I would really appreciate it.

1) My guess is that the World Trade Centre in the final Pillar for the Opus Omega plan.

2) Any new revealations from Gleaken?


Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - cobalt - 09-27-2009

Welcome Natalya. I'll let another his welcome thing...Smile

Do you really want us to spoil the book for you?

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Silverfish - 09-27-2009

:confused: What an odd question to ask. It will be more meaningful if you wait than if someone just tells you. You should take it in the context of the story. Happy reading!
