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Tarantino made a war movie! - Wapitikev - 01-07-2010

Scott Miller Wrote:They were barely in it and none of them made any impression on me outside of Pitt. And you're right about the action be played WAY up in the trailers only to have it be almost nonexistent in the movie, although it is far more common for a trailer to do that with action over comedy, IMO, so it didn't come as a huge surprise to me.
Maybe the Basterds will play a more prominent role in the...sequel?


Tarantino made a war movie! - ccosborne3 - 01-08-2010

Scott Miller Wrote:I also thought the trailers were misleading with regards to the comedic aspect; Hitler was made to look buffoonish and he wasn't and I didn't find much humor in the film at all.

I look at the film almost af it is a straight comedy. Everything about it was funny and meant to be that way. I watched the film again last week on Blu ray and it was much better in the theater.

I remember back in the eighties I saw Blue Velvet on VHS and caught it at later at a midnight screening in Boston. I had originally thought of the film as a very dark thriller but now appreciate the comedic aspects of the film that I had completely failed to notice when viewing on VHS.

Tarantino made a war movie! - ccosborne3 - 01-08-2010

I still think this is the best movie of the year.

Tarantino made a war movie! - Scott Miller - 01-08-2010

ccosborne3 Wrote:I look at the film almost af it is a straight comedy. Everything about it was funny and meant to be that way. I watched the film again last week on Blu ray and it was much better in the theater.

Not sure I agree with that, I did take delight in what the Basterds were dishing out but I don't think it can be considered a comedy unless your funny bone is jet black.

ccosborne3 Wrote:I still think this is the best movie of the year.

Definitely one of the best but I can never create year end lists because I can't remember yesterday let alone all the movies I watched.

Tarantino made a war movie! - GeraldRice - 01-28-2010

I'm not done with it yet and there could be something important I missed, but I don't get what the purpose of the meeting in the basement was. Couldn't they have met with Frau Hammersmark in secret and not risk exposing themselves? And I also don't get why the Basterds were at the cinema. They were supposed to be guerillas. Instead of going in the theater, they should have been outside it, ambushing it. These two things just aren't making sense to me.