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Fan Fiction - Libby - 04-29-2008

mores Wrote:Fan fiction is also dangerous ... it might totally confuse you and you end up with a totally warped timeline, list of events, characters etc.

I once made the mistake of reading some HP fan fiction, not knowing it was FF. (yeah, I didn't want to wait for the book to come to my country, so I googled and found some HTML files ... ).

So when I talked to my friends about the newest HP there were some serious arguments. I finally figured out I didn't read the real thing.

I'll stay away from FF from now on. Spin-offs, what-could-have-beens etc. happen in my head all the time, I don't need someone else to write it down for me.

Also, FF can destoy the series. JK Rowling SPOILER for the last HP book [spoiler]killed off Fred(or was it George?) to stop twinsest.[/spoiler] Also in alot of FF, Harry and Malfoy made out. ALOT!

Fan Fiction - Maggers - 04-29-2008

lexator222 Wrote:Wellllllllllll........Since I was the one who "opened" it (along with my MOUTH!! heheh) Then am I the one who has to "Close" it????

Newbie here, I don't know better! ;-)

Paul felt that the subject was essentially closed by virtue of my having provided the link to his last actual closure of a similar thread. He figured everyone would get the hint.

As long as there is no fan fiction posted, I imagine there is no harm if you want to chatter endlessly about fan fiction.

Fan Fiction - Paul R - 04-30-2008

You know, I've never actually read any fan fiction and until the topic was brought up on this board a while ago, I didn't know it existed (I know, I've led a sheltered life!)
I can't understand the attraction though. From what I understand, a fan will write their version of a story only when they enjoy the original. But then if they enjoyed it, why would they want to re-write it or make their own version of it?:confused:
It just doesn't make sense to me!
For what it's worth, they were my two cents.

Fan Fiction - Maggers - 04-30-2008

Paul R Wrote:You know, I've never actually read any fan fiction and until the topic was brought up on this board a while ago, I didn't know it existed (I know, I've led a sheltered life!)
I can't understand the attraction though. From what I understand, a fan will write their version of a story only when they enjoy the original. But then if they enjoyed it, why would they want to re-write it or make their own version of it?:confused:
It just doesn't make sense to me!
For what it's worth, they were my two cents.

I am so with you on this one, Paul. It's like someone trying to copy Picasso or Van Gogh. Geez, masterpieces should be left alone.

I can't imagine that anyone could possibly improve on the original. If they are that good, why aren't they writing their own books or stories and getting them published.

The thought of reading FPW's fiction written by someone other than FPW is, well, ludicrous to my way of thinking, and a total waste of time. Just my opinion.

Fan Fiction - Schwinn160 - 04-30-2008

Maggers Wrote:I am so with you on this one, Paul. It's like someone trying to copy Picasso or Van Gogh. Geez, masterpieces should be left alone.

I can't imagine that anyone could possible improve on the original. If they are that good, why aren't they writing their own books or stories and getting them published.

The thought of reading FPW's fiction written by someone other than FPW is, well, ludicrous to my way of thinking, and a total waste of time. Just my opinion.

I LOVE a few different storylines (Jack series, Dresden Files, Heroes, etc.), and I write my own little short stories about the characters. I don't rewrite anything, that's a waste of time. I create a new parallel storyline that "could be." It's a fun exercise, and it's helped me to get through some of my reading dry spells. They're purely written for my own enjoyment or for that of a close friend or family member. Nobody else could read my crap, anyway. Wink

Fan Fiction - Libby - 04-30-2008

Paul R Wrote:For what it's worth, they were my two cents.

Hmmm... a penny for your thoughts, but you put your two cents in. Someone is making a penny.(Steven Wright)Big Grin