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I Am Legend =remake= - jimbow8 - 12-21-2007


I liked the movie up until .... basically when the woman showed up. Before that it was really good. After that point it turned into basically every other zombie movie that's been made in the last decade or so. This movie was on course to be really good and have a message, and then it ... just didn't. It was still good, but it didn't follow through. I'd still recommend seeing it.

I Am Legend =remake= - RichE - 12-22-2007

I think it was ok-nothing special. To me it was "OMEGA MAN MEETS 28 DAYS ......" I guess I'm getting jaded....

I Am Legend =remake= - beowulf - 12-23-2007

I just got the book, I plan on reading it during a much needed break from school. I read part of the original screenplay which was, I believe, more true to the book. While I enjoyed the film, they should have stuck with the original screen play concept.

I Am Legend =remake= - Aprilis - 12-25-2007

RichE Wrote:I think it was ok-nothing special. To me it was "OMEGA MAN MEETS 28 DAYS ......" I guess I'm getting jaded....

I saw it today and I totally agree ...

but 100 times better than the Omega Man as it wasnt a slow paced 70's flick.

I Am Legend =remake= - thisisatest - 12-26-2007

Steve D

spoilers (and I mean spoilers for The Last Man on Earth, Omega Man, and I Am Legend), so there....

I was disappointed that the film makers didn't follow through with the concept of a new civilization arising from the downfall of MAN (thus the LAST man on earth, get it?). The half-vampire/half-humans take over. This was hinted at in the new version as the zombie "leader" begins to learn by mimicking Neville's "traps." But the appearance of the girl and boy alter the direction the previous two movies take as well as the book. However, as a stand-alone, it was an outstanding movie, with the plight of Neville balanced with a good old zombie back-drop. Still, I miss the moaning zombies of The Last Man on Earth ("Morgan, Morgan!).

Doesn't The Last Man on Earth predate Night of the Living Dead? Who started the lone survivor(s) in the house surrounded by zombies? I believe Last Man came first, although I am not sure about the order of the books.

I Am Legend =remake= - jacobm - 12-27-2007

Last Man on Earth was 1964 and Night of the Living Dead was 1968. I agree that i wish they had included more on the development of a civilization springing up, but since this is a Will Smith vehicle i don't know how they would have done that. As a stand alone, meaning if i knew nothing of the Matheson story and the other two movies I would have enjoyed it more, but overall i thought it was enjoyable.

I Am Legend =remake= - redheadmargo - 12-31-2007

Did anyone else pick up on the similairty to Steven King's The Stand? Virus.....boy who doesn't speak......opening your mind to God.....

Just my thoughts...

I Am Legend =remake= - Marc - 04-16-2008

Just watched this movie last night and neither ending could save this trash. There was no need for the CGI zombies which looked terrible. Smith talking to the dummies, which could have been interesting, came off as forced. I actually had to start fast-forwarding through the movie. This ranks up there with "Spider-man 3", "X-Men 3" and "Dead Man's Chest" as big budget crap from '07.