Newsletter? - Printable Version

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Newsletter? - WGB - 04-05-2007

Got Mine

Newsletter? - webby - 04-05-2007

Got mine too - home and work email, no problem.

I'm trying really hard not to get all excited about the progress on the RJ movie ... Wink

Newsletter? - Susan - 04-05-2007

fpw Wrote:It went out Sunday night / Monday AM. Did it arrive for all who expected to receive it? (I'm using a new version of the mail software.)

No problemo, I got it too!


Newsletter? - Scott Miller - 04-05-2007

Britfan Wrote:Got mine & forwarded it to Scott

I got it, thanks. Thanks also to Stephanie for offering.

Newsletter? - IanSF - 04-05-2007

It was delivered on April 2nd after all. My filter had automatically moved it to an archive folder and I'd missed it.
webby Wrote:I'm trying really hard not to get all excited about the progress on the RJ movie ... Wink
Lon Wrote:Am positively ACHING to read the YA Jack novel.
I'm with you webby re progress on the movie and also the YA book.
Britfan Wrote:If you PM e-mail I can fwd
Thanks for the rescue offer Dave.

Newsletter? - KRW - 04-06-2007

Thank you, I received mine as well. I was also happy to hear about the progress with the movie, great news!

Newsletter? - BK Akitas - 04-12-2007

feeling like a red headed stepchild here, didn't get mine, even checked the Spam folder Sad

Newsletter? - cobalt - 04-12-2007

BK Akitas Wrote:feeling like a red headed stepchild here, didn't get mine, even checked the Spam folder Sad
I'm sending a copy to you now.