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Does anyone remember... - jimbow8 - 02-11-2007

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:As Grandpa told me, Auskar, "Son, any cold beer is a good beer. If you get a buyback from the barkeep, well, now, that's a =damn= fine beer!" And nobody ever called Grandpa a liar. Well, that =one= clown did =one= time. His broken arms eventually healed, but he never did get his memory back.:eek:
Why'd your Grandpa call you "son"? Wink

Does anyone remember... - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 02-12-2007

jimbow8 Wrote:Why'd your Grandpa call you "son"? Wink

Well, he was getting old, forgot my name.:confused:

Does anyone remember... - dejo - 02-12-2007

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]Damn, I need a compendium.[/SIZE]
I still have a desire to build an RJ wiki. Because of all the hassles with small, supposed copyright issues at, I think the best approach would be to bring it "in-house". I would like to set up my own wiki that, initially, will deal with RJ and other works by F. Paul. I would invite all members of this board, of course, to become editors for this wiki.

And my girlfriend suggested that it would be great to have a mechanism that would allow registered users to specify which works they have read/seen and then only present information based on those choices, in hopes of providing a spoiler-free wiki. Anonymous users would see no spoilers and only get the most generic information. And registered users could pick, if they so desired, a "Spoil Me!" option and be presented with all information regardless of whether it contains spoilers or not. I hope that through the use of some customized open-source wiki software or, worst-case scenario, a home-grown custom-built application, that such a "spoiler-free" methodology is possible.

Stay tuned. I will hopefully be providing more information on this in the coming months...

Does anyone remember... - Maggers - 02-12-2007

dejo Wrote:...Stay tuned. I will hopefully be providing more information on this in the coming months...

Dejo, that sounds intriguing and very ambitious. Do keep us posted.

Does anyone remember... - webby - 02-12-2007

dejo Wrote:I hope that through the use of some customized open-source wiki software or, worst-case scenario, a home-grown custom-built application, that such a "spoiler-free" methodology is possible.

That would be not only possible, but also not terribly difficult as a custom application. Wink

Does anyone remember... - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 02-12-2007

dejo Wrote:I still have a desire to build an RJ wiki. Because of all the hassles with small, supposed copyright issues at, I think the best approach would be to bring it "in-house". I would like to set up my own wiki that, initially, will deal with RJ and other works by F. Paul. I would invite all members of this board, of course, to become editors for this wiki.

And my girlfriend suggested that it would be great to have a mechanism that would allow registered users to specify which works they have read/seen and then only present information based on those choices, in hopes of providing a spoiler-free wiki. Anonymous users would see no spoilers and only get the most generic information. And registered users could pick, if they so desired, a "Spoil Me!" option and be presented with all information regardless of whether it contains spoilers or not. I hope that through the use of some customized open-source wiki software or, worst-case scenario, a home-grown custom-built application, that such a "spoiler-free" methodology is possible.

Stay tuned. I will hopefully be providing more information on this in the coming months...

Sounds like fun, dejo! More power to your elbow!

Does anyone remember... - dejo - 02-13-2007

dejo Wrote:Stay tuned. I will hopefully be providing more information on this in the coming months...
Or perhaps even sooner. I was inspired yesterday and now have a basic wiki running locally on a spare iMac. My next move is to see if I can customize it to provide the spoiler-free presentation (a very helpful feature!).

Does anyone remember... - Silverfish - 02-13-2007

dejo Wrote:Or perhaps even sooner. I was inspired yesterday and now have a basic wiki running locally on a spare iMac. My next move is to see if I can customize it to provide the spoiler-free presentation (a very helpful feature!).

I'm game as an editor.


Does anyone remember... - dejo - 02-13-2007

Okay, got the RJ wiki "skinned" today. So, I thought I'd be a little cruel and show everyone a screenshot of the main page:

[Image: RJwikiPreview.png]

Try not to salivate too much.

Does anyone remember... - Auskar - 02-13-2007

Did you just get the wiki software, then skin it and modify it? The reason I ask is that we were building our own software, but I'm unsatisfied, so I'm looking for an alternative solution.