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Casting Call for RJ - Terry Willacker - 10-30-2006

If I saw Cavieziel or Ulrich, I could believe it was Jack. If I saw Sutherland, I would just think Sutherland. He is too unusual looking.

Casting Call for RJ - Auskar - 10-30-2006

Ken Valentine seems that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-Upon-Pain-Of-Death has opted out for some reason.
Bummer. It might make a better television series, anyway.

Casting Call for RJ - Noelie - 10-31-2006

Lon Wrote:I've always thought Ed Norton would make a good Jack. Everyman looks veneered over a bottomless pit of rage.
That's the best description ever of why I've always had Ed Norton at the top of my list. Cole Hauser would be really good too, imo. And there was someone else I was just looking at the other day and saying to myself, "Hmm, Jack," but now I can't remember who it was. Blah.

Casting Call for RJ - Sigokat - 10-31-2006

I just started Hosts the other day (about a 3rd down now) and the problem that I see with picking someone to play Jack is that everyone is so well-known in the acting world. My understanding is that Jack is supposed to be an everyday guy, not too good looking, but not ugly (except for the long fingernails thing) but has the "skills" he needs to do his job.

If you want someone that can blend in then they would need to get not just a virtually "unknown" but a real "unknown". If I'm not making sense then what I am trying to get at is that in the movie In Cold Blood, the director wanted the actors that would play the killers (Perry and I can't remember the other guys name) to look as much like the real killers as possible...therefore they hired two guys that looked like the killers (not even real actors at the time) IOT add to the ambience of the film. BTW, the murders were filmed in the actual Klutter house in Kansas.

(I'm talking about the original ICB movie from the '50s, not Capote.)

So long story short, if a RJ movie is ever made then the guy who plays Jack should be someone that NO ONE has ever heard of or seen before...IMO.

Casting Call for RJ - webby - 10-31-2006

sigokat Wrote:I just started Hosts the other day (about a 3rd down now) and the problem that I see with picking someone to play Jack is that everyone is so well-known in the acting world. My understanding is that Jack is supposed to be an everyday guy, not too good looking, but not ugly (except for the long fingernails thing) but has the "skills" he needs to do his job.

If you want someone that can blend in then they would need to get not just a virtually "unknown" but a real "unknown". If I'm not making sense then what I am trying to get at is that in the movie In Cold Blood, the director wanted the actors that would play the killers (Perry and I can't remember the other guys name) to look as much like the real killers as possible...therefore they hired two guys that looked like the killers (not even real actors at the time) IOT add to the ambience of the film. BTW, the murders were filmed in the actual Klutter house in Kansas.

(I'm talking about the original ICB movie from the '50s, not Capote.)

So long story short, if a RJ movie is ever made then the guy who plays Jack should be someone that NO ONE has ever heard of or seen before...IMO.

It makes perfect sense and I'd be perfectly happy with an as-yet-unkown actor playing Jack, so long as he looks right and has real acting ability. Smile

Casting Call for RJ - Ken Valentine - 10-31-2006

sigokat Wrote:I just started Hosts the other day (about a 3rd down now) and the problem that I see with picking someone to play Jack is that everyone is so well-known in the acting world. My understanding is that Jack is supposed to be an everyday guy, not too good looking, but not ugly (except for the long fingernails thing) but has the "skills" he needs to do his job.

If you want someone that can blend in then they would need to get not just a virtually "unknown" but a real "unknown". If I'm not making sense then what I am trying to get at is that in the movie In Cold Blood, the director wanted the actors that would play the killers (Perry and I can't remember the other guys name) to look as much like the real killers as possible...therefore they hired two guys that looked like the killers (not even real actors at the time) IOT add to the ambience of the film. BTW, the murders were filmed in the actual Klutter house in Kansas.

(I'm talking about the original ICB movie from the '50s, not Capote.)

So long story short, if a RJ movie is ever made then the guy who plays Jack should be someone that NO ONE has ever heard of or seen before...IMO.

Perry Smith and Richard Hickock.

The guy who played Hickock was a relative newcomer, but the actor who played Smith was Robert Blake, and he had been acting since he was about six years old -- 1939. He played Mickey on Spanky And Our Gang.

Ken V.

Casting Call for RJ - GeraldRice - 10-31-2006

Mark Alfred Wrote:[Image: skeet.jpg]As I keep watching CBS's JERICHO, I can't help thinking that Skeet Ulrich, who plays Jake Green, would be a great Jack. He's got a nondescript face and compact form. Plus his character's expertise on about everything (suggesting spy-type training) also fits in with RJ's M.O.
Any other ideas?

Mark Alfred

There is a right and a wrong in the universe,
and most of the time that distinction is not
hard to make.

I don't know. Skeet Ulrich kind of has those fetal alcohol syndrome eyes...

Casting Call for RJ - Mark S. - 10-31-2006

Whoever plays Jack needs to be able to pull off a “tough guy.” I just can’t see Skeet doing that. I think my grandmother could take Skeet.

Casting Call for RJ - Maggers - 10-31-2006

sigokat Wrote:...
(I'm talking about the original ICB movie from the '50s, not Capote.)

The murders took place at the tail end of the '50's, November, 1959 to be exact, and it took Capote at least 4 years to write the novel and he had to wait until the killers were executed. All of which is to say the movie was made and released in 1967. Fabulous film.

Casting Call for RJ - Dave F - 10-31-2006

sigokat Wrote:I just started Hosts the other day (about a 3rd down now) and the problem that I see with picking someone to play Jack is that everyone is so well-known in the acting world. My understanding is that Jack is supposed to be an everyday guy, not too good looking, but not ugly (except for the long fingernails thing) but has the "skills" he needs to do his job.

If you want someone that can blend in then they would need to get not just a virtually "unknown" but a real "unknown". If I'm not making sense then what I am trying to get at is that in the movie In Cold Blood, the director wanted the actors that would play the killers (Perry and I can't remember the other guys name) to look as much like the real killers as possible...therefore they hired two guys that looked like the killers (not even real actors at the time) IOT add to the ambience of the film. BTW, the murders were filmed in the actual Klutter house in Kansas.

(I'm talking about the original ICB movie from the '50s, not Capote.)

So long story short, if a RJ movie is ever made then the guy who plays Jack should be someone that NO ONE has ever heard of or seen before...IMO.

I see your point of view - but also we want this to be a commercal success, so that options are taken up to make a whole load of RJ movies.

A big name may bring the box office success FPW deserves & hopefully lead to more movies