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New LOST Season 3 Starts TONIGHT! - Maggers - 10-05-2006

jimbow8 Wrote:Your analysis seems to indicate some sympathy for Juliette; Correct me if I'm wrong.

EVERYTHING that she did in the episode was scripted and planned to elicit a particular response from Jack. I trust her least of any of them.

I don't disagree with you about the scripted and planned program she has for Jack. That's all part of the behavioral scientist mode that I mentioned in a previous post. Everything they do at that camp or stockade is planned to see how these individuals will respond to specific stimuli.

Watch the opening again. She chooses that song on the CD. She's imperfect; she burns her muffins and her hand. She can get angry with her "peers;" she gives hell to a fellow book club member. She gives a dirty look or at least at shadowed look to the leader, whose name I cannot recall, as they all race outside after the earthquake.

I think there may be cracks in her armor and she may not be as robotically devoted to the project as we are lead to believe. That's why I think the song is significant, which I didn't pick up on until I watched it again. (I tape the shows so I can watch several times.)

New LOST Season 3 Starts TONIGHT! - jimbow8 - 10-05-2006

I think that is what they want you to think.

New LOST Season 3 Starts TONIGHT! - Maggers - 10-05-2006

jimbow8 Wrote:I think that is what they want you to think.

Nothing is as it seems in this show. Basing a distrust of the woman on the role she is obviously playing as a behavioral therapist is also what they want you to think.

My option as I watch is to believe nothing but my gut and follow my hunches based on what I observe. However, that's profoundly tricky in this show where nothing is as it seems.

New LOST Season 3 Starts TONIGHT! - jimbow8 - 10-05-2006

Maggers Wrote:Nothing is as it seems in this show. Basing a distrust of the woman on the role she is obviously playing as a behavioral therapist is also what they want you to think.

My option as I watch is to believe nothing but my gut and follow my hunches based on what I observe. However, that's profoundly tricky in this show where nothing is as it seems.
Exactly, are they playing on your emotions or do they assume you will distrust that and are therefore doing the opposite. Therefore, I distrust by default. :p

New LOST Season 3 Starts TONIGHT! - jacobm - 10-12-2006

Two things stood out for me from Lost's 10/11 episode. First of all, what made Sayid think he could trap the Others? The Others have been one step ahead since the first season, and now Sayid will catch some other them? Not likely. Second, Sawyer has been getting his ass kicked also since the first season. Suddenly he is the second coming of Jet Li, laying out Others all over the place. Those two situations just bothered me. Besides that I liked the story last night.

New LOST Season 3 Starts TONIGHT! - jimbow8 - 10-12-2006

jacobm Wrote:Two things stood out for me from Lost's 10/11 episode. First of all, what made Sayid think he could trap the Others? The Others have been one step ahead since the first season, and now Sayid will catch some other them? Not likely.
As soon as Sun went off alone to the boat, I knew something would go wrong. Maybe Sayid is just overconfident; his plan to JUST capture two and kill the rest was rather simplistic and unrealistic.
Quote:Second, Sawyer has been getting his ass kicked also since the first season. Suddenly he is the second coming of Jet Li, laying out Others all over the place. Those two situations just bothered me. Besides that I liked the story last night.
Sawyer seems to know his limitations and use them to his advantage. Keep in mind, his real goal in starting that fight wasn't to escape, though he probably would have (only with Kate) if given the opportunity, but to judge their strengths and abilities. He accomplished that. Unfortunately, they now know that that was his goal.

BTW, Sawyer agrees that Juliette is not to be trusted. Wink

New LOST Season 3 Starts TONIGHT! - neotank - 10-15-2006

jacobm Wrote:Two things stood out for me from Lost's 10/11 episode. First of all, what made Sayid think he could trap the Others? The Others have been one step ahead since the first season, and now Sayid will catch some other them? Not likely. Second, Sawyer has been getting his ass kicked also since the first season. Suddenly he is the second coming of Jet Li, laying out Others all over the place. Those two situations just bothered me. Besides that I liked the story last night.

Well At least Sawyer didn't get laid out with one punch by a girl like Doc did in the first episode. Sad