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Douglas Preston's Reply - flyboy707 - 12-08-2004

Terry Willacker Wrote:I agree they are all great. I read Thunderhead first and then went back and read them all in order. I'm in the middle of Still Life With Crows and bought Brimstone for myself for Christmas. Thunderhead was my favorite until I read The Cabinet of Curiosities.

For me "Thunderhead" was in my top 3 favorites (partly because I was flying out of Kirtland AFB, NM when I read it....but The Cabinet of Curiosities is my favorite with Brimstone a very close second. Sorry, Maggers..... Wink

Douglas Preston's Reply - Maggers - 12-08-2004

flyboy707 Wrote:For me "Thunderhead" was in my top 3 favorites (partly because I was flying out of Kirtland AFB, NM when I read it....but The Cabinet of Curiosities is my favorite with Brimstone a very close second. Sorry, Maggers..... Wink

Aww shucks, no need to be sorry. I must admit, and it seems I'm in the minority on this, "Cabinet of Curiosities" is not one of my favs, not by a long shot. But I loved "Still Life with Crows." I think Pendergast had to grow on me, but I just was not taken with the story of "Cabinet."

Douglas Preston's Reply - SDSwami - 01-07-2005

Digging up an old post, but haven't been on the boards for a while.

I thought of Julio's right away when I also read Brimstone.

Still Life With Crows is probably the best story they have, although I also really enjoyed Thunderhead. The ending of SLWC when you find out why the murders were done as they were just shocked me. Nothing like having a jolt to the story on the very last two pages of the book.

There are very few authors that I buy in hardcover. FPW (signed numbered editions of course), Preston and Child, and John Sandford are the only three that I religously buy in hardcover.