X-Men: First Class and the Cold War - Printable Version

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X-Men: First Class and the Cold War - Fenian1916 - 01-05-2012

Tony H Wrote:The Greatest American Hero...

Starnacratic, loved that show

X-Men: First Class and the Cold War - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 01-06-2012

Re the Cold War, if you weren't around during the Cuban Missile Crisis, you missed out on some fun scary shit.

Our teacher Miss Kalfeon said things were bad, and if we heard 3 bells ring, we were to get under our desks. I stood up and explained the Good Old USA had the Russkis out-bombered and out-submarine missled and out-nuked 17 ways from Sunday, and nothing was going to happen. (Though I think they might have had more ICBMs at the time.) The Russians, I said, were very bad indeed by our standards, but they weren't crazy. Their shabby B-52 imitations would be vaporized by our and the Canadian fighters over the North Pole, and any few that made it south would suffer cruel hurt from the F-106s from Rome Air Force Base. They could hurt the USA sure, but we and our allies would utterly destroy the USSR. To my astonishment, I got booed by the class and a lecture from Miss Kalfeon. That was the moment I realized most people are idiots. The next class, after Kruschev backed down, I tried not to smirk. I'm afraid I didn't entirely succeed.