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I can't stand it! - mad4tunes - 04-08-2011

While I would love to see a series of Repairman Jack movies, I think "Black Wind" would be THE best F Paul Wilson book to make into a movie.

I can't stand it! - GeraldRice - 04-08-2011

I have Black Wind and I've never read it. I don't know why.

I can't stand it! - The Mad American - 04-08-2011

GeraldRice Wrote:I have Black Wind and I've never read it. I don't know why.

PM me your address so I can travel to your house, and then poke you in the eye really really hard.Big Grin

Read the book man!! It is one of FPW's best in my opinion. And even if it wasn't, it is still an FPW book. For the love of all thats good man!!

I can't stand it! - William Malmborg - 04-09-2011

ccosborne3 Wrote:I don't think you should wait. The original unrevamped editions are great as they are. You can read the updates later. The fact is if you wait for the revisions you'll never go back and read the originals. It's fun for me to see how Wilson weaves the new material in with the old prose. Looking at it from the author's point of view it's quite a challenge.

nonquixote Wrote:I received my order and have finished Reprisal and Nightworld. I think Reprisal still holds up very well, in fact it's one of the most horrifying novels I've ever read, the product of a truly twisted imagination. Heh heh. Nightworld was good too, but it's much more apparent that it was written long before most of the Jack novels and would therefore greatly benefit from updating, so I still plan to read the revision when it is available.

Within five minutes of reading these two statements I had my order placed. Now I'm watching the mailbox like a private detective, lips cursing the mailman everytime he keeps my packages from me. I can't wait to have these two novels on my shelf -- or better yet -- in my hands while sitting on the couch!

I can't stand it! - cobalt - 04-10-2011

GeraldRice Wrote:I have Black Wind and I've never read it. I don't know why.

What the hell are you waiting for? Black Wind is such a good read....don't put it off any longer. Once you read'll see what we've all been talking about.

I can't stand it! - Peter - 04-10-2011

I agree with everything said about Black Wind, especially as to why the hell Gerald hasn't read it! It really is a very good book.

I've read the original Reborn/Reprisal/Nightworld set and am sort of planning to just get the "new" Nightworld. Not sure yet if I will get the "new" Reborn and Reprisal.

But I expect I will....Smile

I can't stand it! - Ken Valentine - 04-10-2011

Peter Wrote:I agree with everything said about Black Wind, especially as to why the hell Gerald hasn't read it! It really is a very good book.

I've read the original Reborn/Reprisal/Nightworld set and am sort of planning to just get the "new" Nightworld. Not sure yet if I will get the "new" Reborn and Reprisal.

But I expect I will....Smile
About the only change in Reprisal is the mention of cell phones, effectively asking why "R" doesn't use them to harrass Father Bill. (Just the question . . . no answer.)

Ken V.

I can't stand it! - somevelvetmorning - 04-18-2011

i didn't wait for a revised reprisal, i just read the old one and it still made sense...a truly terrifying novel, btw.

as of now, i have resisted reading nightworld until the revised edition comes's been very difficult Sad. is that still scheduled for 2012?

I can't stand it! - Anemone of the State - 04-18-2011

mad4tunes Wrote:While I would love to see a series of Repairman Jack movies, I think "Black Wind" would be THE best F Paul Wilson book to make into a movie.

That would be an amazing film, were it done right. Hollywood should have skipped out on "Pearl Harbor" and done Kuroi Kaze instead. The love triangle in Black Wind has a much deeper connection to the plot, the characters are better, and mutilated monks and shoten just up the creepy-fascinating dial to 11.

I can't stand it! - Alvin Fox - 04-18-2011

One of my favorite lines from a movie review was in Ebert's review of Pearl Harbor:

"Pearl Harbor is a two-hour movie squeezed into three hours, about how on Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese staged a surprise attack on an American love triangle."