Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Printable Version

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Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 01-26-2011

Welcome to the board, Cenobite!

There are plenty of creepy scenes in Paul's fiction. The man knows what he's about. :eek:

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - scarywitchy - 03-06-2011

Brian Wrote:Father Bill and Danny scenes come to mind, but I also think of Pelts. The scene where the character (I'm drawing a blank at his name) skins himself. That creeped me right the hell out.

Haven't yet read the story, but watched the MOH. LOVED IT!! Very creepy, especially when he chases her round with it. I loved the word FPW coined for it..."gorn" gory porn. WOOT!

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Sev - 03-07-2011

What the heck is an MOH? Movie of the Hour?

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Ken Valentine - 03-07-2011

Sev Wrote:What the heck is an MOH? Movie of the Hour?
Medal Of Honor? Big Grin

Ken V.

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Anemone of the State - 03-07-2011

Without giving away any spoilers (hopefully)... the mastermind in Sibs and the awakening of the Nazis near the end of The Keep. There really are so many beautifully (I use the term loosely here) horrific scenes in his works that it's hard to pick favorites... but those two leap to mind.

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Alvin Fox - 03-07-2011

Sev Wrote:What the heck is an MOH? Movie of the Hour?

Masters of Horror.

It was a series on Showtime that featured masters of horror in directing and writing.