What Do You Call That Thing? - Printable Version

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What Do You Call That Thing? - KRW - 01-28-2010

The Mad American Wrote:I had one on Nancy McKean from "Facts of Life". As a matter of fact I think I still kind of fancy her.

Not bad. Mine was Allysa Milano.Cool

What Do You Call That Thing? - The Mad American - 01-28-2010

KRW Wrote:Not bad. Mine was Allysa Milano.Cool

She actually grew up pretty well too. Cool

What Do You Call That Thing? - webby - 01-29-2010

GeraldRice Wrote:I'm an UBU man, personally. That was one good dog.

HA ha ha!

"Sit, Ubu, sit. Good dog."

Sheesh, the crazy, stupid stuff we remember. :p